Half a Lifetime

Nov 13, 2004 01:39

Title: Half a Lifetime
Challenge: Mathematics
House: Hufflepuff
Words: 100
Characters/ pairing: Hermione
A/N: This drabble has been horribly mangled to meet the word count. Please read the Original Version

At eleven, Hermione learned that witches and wizards lived to 150 and beyond.

At twelve, she spent her first Christmas away from home. The need to test the polyjuice potion over-rode her guilt. In third year there was Buckbeak's defense to prepare. Fourth year brought the Yule Ball, and fifth year was better spent with Harry than skiing. But there would always be time for her family next year…

When Hermione was forty-two, cancer consumed her mother from within, and no magic could save her.

Living twice as long, Hermione realized, meant living half her life without those she loved.
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