Doomed/Never Last/Quarrel/Amazed/5 Years/Almost Peaceful/Regrets/60 Minutes & Counting/Lucky 13

Nov 12, 2004 20:56

Title: Doomed From the Start
Challenge: Math
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters/ pairing: Fred, George, Ron(/Hermione)

“Brilliant,” George said, sarcastically.

“It’ll never work,” Fred put in.

“All you two do is argue.”

“Bicker, bicker...”

“Row, row...”

“Just like Mum and Dad,” Ron said, angrily.

“Yes, but Mum and Dad are different.”


“That doesn’t matter.”


“This won’t last two months, I’d bet.”

“Poor Ickle Ronnikins.”

“We bet a hundred Galleons this relationship’s doomed.”

I haven’t got a hundred Galleons, Ron thought worriedly. He didn’t say anything.


The next year, when Ron married Hermione in London, Fred and George gave them a set of elegant glasses- amazingly free of trick insects- and a hundred shiny Galleons.

Title: Never Last
Challenge: Math
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters/ pairing: Remus/Sirius, Marauders
Author’s note: This- and the next few R/S drabbles- are all along the same idea as Doomed From the Start.

James laughed.

“You’ll never last,” he said. “I give it one month, maybe two, and it’ll be over. You’ll fight and break it off by Christmas.”

“I say Easter, actually.” Peter snickered.

“Five Galleons say Christmas,” James insisted. Remus and Sirius exchanged a dismayed look.

“You’re horrible, both of you,” Sirius said, putting his hand on Remus’ shoulder. “We’ll never fight. I love Moony.”

Remus blushed.

“We may fight, but we won’t break it off.”

“That’s what you say now.” James sat down. “You two will never last. All you ever do is argue.”

“We never argue,” Sirius replied petulantly.

Title: Quarrel
Challenge: Math
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters/ pairing: Remus/Sirius
Author’s note: Follows Never Make It.

It looked like the end of Remus’ and Sirius’ relationship. They’d been an item for four months- twice what James had predicted- when they quarrelled. Their friends weren’t even certain what they were arguing over, but there they were, refusing to speak to one another.

Finally Sirius went looking for Remus in the library.


“Hmm.” Remus didn’t look up, even when Sirius sat down beside him.

“Moony, I’m- sorry. Really. I just don’t want things between us to end.”

Remus looked up, finally.

“Who said anything about ending things?”

“So, it’s ok? You forgive me?”

“Yes. I forgive you.”

Title: Amazed
Challenge: Math
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters/ pairing: Sirius, James (James/Lily, R/S)
Author’s note: Follows Never Make It and Quarrel.

“I’m amazed you two are still together.”

“Don’t be,” Sirius said. “I’m amazed Evans agreed to marry you.”

“Actually, I am too. But you and Remus have been together for three years, now...”

“You said we wouldn’t last one month.”

“Yeah.” James paused. “Divination was never my thing.”

The two young men laughed.

“Still, the fact that you and Moony have been together for three years...”

“The fact that you and Evans are getting married...”

James shrugged. Sirius didn’t say anything. He was thinking that if either he or Remus had been female, they would have been getting married too.

Title: Five Years
Challenge: Math
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters/ pairing: Remus/Sirius
Author’s note: Follows Never Make It, Quarrel and Amazed.

Sirius couldn’t sleep. It was odd. Usually it was Remus who was restless at night, but this time things were different. Sirius just couldn’t calm down.

He and Remus hadn’t stopped arguing lately. Sirius didn’t know what to do. Five years, and now, with suspicion running high and the strain from the war weighing heavily upon both of them- well.

Dumbledore had told him there was most probably a traitor in their little group. Sirius sighed. Remus was so distant sometimes, so cold. They’d been lovers for five years, but sometimes Sirius felt as if he didn’t know Remus anymore.

Title: Almost Peaceful
Challenge: Math
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters/ pairing: Remus/Sirius
Author’s note: Follows the other drabbles in this series.

Sometimes, the evenings at twelve Grimmauld Place were still and almost peaceful. Remus liked to spend nights like that curled up in Sirius’ arms. The thought of those quiet times, rare though they were, sustained Remus through difficult missions and discouraging news. Somehow, the thought of going home to Sirius made everything bearable.

Grimmauld Place wasn’t a home, for either of them. It didn’t matter, though. They were together. Remus felt it must be rather selfish, thinking like that- what with a war raging outside- but there he was. After fourteen years, it was wonderful to be with Sirius again.

Title: Regrets
Challenge: Math
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters/ pairing: Sirius/Remus
Author’s note: Follows the others in this series.

Sirius had spent twelve years dwelling on regrets. He’d tried not to- that was part of the reason why he’d spent so much time curled up in his cell as a dog- but in the end, he couldn’t help reliving his past. In his mind’s eye he saw James and Lily dead, and Peter escaping. He remembered the suspicious way Remus’ eyes flashed when they fought, remembered Remus’ face, pale with rage, after Snape was almost killed.

Remus is pale now, too, but not with anger. He kisses Sirius tenderly. Sirius smiles.

He’s come a long way, somehow, from Azkaban.

Title: Sixty Minutes and Counting
Challenge: Math
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters/ pairing: Severus/Remus

Lupin looked pale. Everyone could tell he’d been ill again. He was ill often.

Severus tried not to care. After all, what did it matter to him if Lupin had already missed four days of classes since the start of term? But it wasn’t that simple. Severus tried to focus on taking notes, but kept glancing at Lupin’s pale face and red, chewed lips. He had the reddest lips of any male Severus had ever seen- not that he cared.

It wasn’t as if he’d been staring at the other boy’s full red mouth for the last hour and counting.

Title: Lucky Thirteen
Challenge: Math
House: Gryffindor
Words: 100
Characters/ pairing: Remus/Severus
Author's note: Er. Implied drunken shagging, slash (obviously) and one mildly bad word. Should I bother cutting this one too?

They’d both drunk too much. The consequences had been- put mildly-- interesting. Evidently Remus Lupin became a very different man after thirteen shots of firewhisky. Severus didn’t even want to know how much alcohol he’d imbibed, but it had been enough to make buggering Lupin seem like a good idea.

“We need to talk,” Lupin said. He looked hungover indeed. “I only crawled out of bed to be sick first, and then to tell you that I... well.” He gazed at Severus appealingly. “I love you.”


Perhaps getting into this mess hadn’t been such a bad idea after all.
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