Jul 07, 2006 01:00
It's only July, and I'm starting to witness this transition. This transition, which is supposed to make you into an adult, help you gain responsibilities, meet new people, lose the past, and gain the future, seems to be affecting me in strange ways. I have started so many new friendships, while not keeping up with the ones I already had. So, in time, I'm losing a lot of my old friends. I have not gained too many responsibilities, since I haven't gotten a new job, and have been spending too much as of late that has really taken its toll on me. Am I to depend on bank loans eternally? My attitude has worsened. I am more disrespectful than ever:
1. I have yet to write "Thank You" notes for those who gave me graduation presents
2. I yell at my parents.
3. I lose confidence easily.
4. I throw my cat off the table.
5. I outburst.
What seems to be the problem?
Will it be fixed by the time I go to college?