Overrides are sections of code that can be used to modify certain parts of your journal. They are inserted into the Styles Override box near the bottom of the Modify Journal page (
http://www.livejournal.com/modify.bml ).
They are used to set exceptions to the system styles and as such involve limitations and complications. If you are interested in dramatically changing the appearance of your journal style you can much more easily and thoroughly accomplish such changes through direct use of the style system (
http://www.livejournal.com/developer/styles.bml ) via a paid account (
http://www.livejournal.com/paidaccounts ).
The variables that free users can use overrides for are the *_HEAD, *_TALK_READLINK, *_TALK_LINKS, *_OPT_ITEMS, *_DATE_FORMAT, and *_WEBSITE. Paid users can override any variable.
When you create an override you also define what view the override applies to by using LASTN (for the most recent entries), FRIENDS, DAY, or CALENDAR in the variable. For example, an override that would change the setup of your comment links and only apply to your recent entries page would be in the form of: LASTN_TALK_LINKS. The only exception to this is a variable called GLOBAL_HEAD, which affects the *_HEAD variable on all 4 of your journal pages.
Each of the variables available for overrides correspond to a particular part of your journal.
The *_HEAD variable is used to add to the section of your journal and can be used with the LASTN, FRIENDS, DAY, and CALENDAR or as a GLOBAL function that includes all 4 pages. Examples of elements of your journal that are part of the section are backgrounds, font face and size, changing the browser title, and the default text alignment.
Not all system styles support the full functionality of the *_HEAD override. The *_HEAD override can only be used fully with the Clean and Simple, Disjointed, Generator, Magazine, Refried Paper, and Tabular Indent system styles.
The system styles that have limited use of the *_HEAD variable will not allow you to override certain elements as noted below.
Default: You cannot override the browser title or default text alignment.
Punquin Elegant with Sidebar: You cannot override the browser title.
Webley Boxes on White: You cannot override the browser title.
The *_TALK_READLINK variable is used to change the wording of the link to leave a comment and can be used with the LASTN, FRIENDS, and DAY views.
The *_TALK_LINKS variable is used to change the wording of the link to read your comments. It also controls the format and appearance of comments links. It can only be used with the LASTN, FRIENDS, and DAY views.
The *_TALK_READLINK and *_TALK_LINKS variables will only function if you have chosen to have message boards enabled on your journal. (
The *_OPT_ITEMS variable is used to indicate how many entries you would like to appear in a view. It can be used with the LASTN and FRIENDS views and the number of entries cannot exceed 50.
The *_DATE_FORMAT variable is used to define the way the date and time is formatted in entries. It can only be used with the LASTN, FRIENDS, and DAY views.
The *_WEBSITE variable is used to define the link to your personal website. It can be used with the LASTN, FRIENDS, DAY and CALENDAR views. A *_WEBSITE override will only function properly if a website is defined on the Personal Information page (
http://www.livejournal.com/editinfo.bml ).
An override contains three sections; an opening tag, a section of code that defines the override, and a closing tag. For example a *_HEAD override that affects all four page views would use the GLOBAL function and look like this:
{ The code that defines the override would be inserted here. }
It is important to include the <= in both the opening and closing tags.
If your override will fit on one line then you do not need to use a closing tag. For example an * _OPT_ITEMS override that limits your most recent entries view to 10 entries instead of the standard 20, would look like this:
You may only use an exact variable in the override box once. However, you may combine several elements into a single override by inserting and merging all sections of code you would like to use between the proper variable tags. A tutorial on that can be found here: