Abraham Lincoln?

Feb 10, 2012 21:37

For some reason, or another, I have acquired a love for Abraham Lincoln. I'm not entirely sure where it stemmed from, but it is most certainly up there with my love of Hello Kitty. My love and fandom goes from one extreme to another. I lust for InuYasha, Pokemon, Hello Kitty, and Abraham Lincoln.

That is madness.

Victorian aged madness, I say.
No, ( Read more... )

abraham lincoln, nonsense, inuyasha, howlingowl, ideas, musings, thoughts

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rickashay1 February 12 2012, 20:44:53 UTC
I've always been interested in the Founders. Even though I don't like some of them, to go against such a power as Britain than and to change the world in such a short amount of time? Incredible stories. James Madison, John Adams, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and so many others! Love learning about them!

That's awesome! I like him a lot because he had to of been stubborn to do the things he did. Also, very courageous it would seem.

What's funny is during that time people thought he was corrupting the English language. Funny that even now he is considered one of the most well-known authors today.

I probably would have done the same thing as you. Only because I would have found Latin to be much more useful for the rest of my life than anything else. Plus, it looks interesting. If I got to choose though any language I could study, probably German or Celtic.

I don't think I've read too much about him. I bet though if I end up digging through the boxes in my garage I'd find him in there somewhere. He sounds really interesting though. I just read his entire page on Wikipedia.

It seems like it. I always thought if I ever had children, I'd like to be a homemaker too.

LOL that's so sweet though! All children love having their family home. My niece Jordyn, we were talking about my brother getting a job and she said, "No!"

And we said that she didn't need to get a job. She said that she wants him to babysit her instead. ^_^

Isn't it? There are so many interesting people in the world, I love talking to people. Especially because I was always so different than everyone, it's nice talking to someone with some common interests. :)


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