Abraham Lincoln?

Feb 10, 2012 21:37

For some reason, or another, I have acquired a love for Abraham Lincoln. I'm not entirely sure where it stemmed from, but it is most certainly up there with my love of Hello Kitty. My love and fandom goes from one extreme to another. I lust for InuYasha, Pokemon, Hello Kitty, and Abraham Lincoln.

That is madness.

Victorian aged madness, I say.
No, Leonidas, it is NOT Sparta.

Moving on, I found myself stuck in the Sonic barracade slots tonight. Since my car is on life support, I've been driving my husband's tried and true Mercury. The grandma yacht.

It literally took about ten grueling minutes, of mirror bumping action, before I weaseled my way out. Thankfully, as I sputtered about my misfortune as a driver, I was able to go through the glorious drive-thru.
My kid just wanted an ice cream cone. Pretty sure that he wasn't expecting a trip to Mordor and back, but that's what he got.

I'm really glad he can't actually talk yet, and tell everyone about his experiences. I'd probably have perma-facepalm.

Also, I'm so excited that I did well in the iyfic_contest. I've never won anything before! Everyone has been so amazing. Being welcomed into a community is refreshing. I don't know if I've clarified, but I pen under Oh Jiru on FF.net.

I'm really considering changing it over to howlingowl. Most of my work is about to get scrapped and rewritten to my liking. Sometimes, when you get those good ideas, you kind of get too excited and rush into posting.

At least, that's my major problem. I'm way too frivolous with my word usage. When I first starting writing, I was used to an almost Shakespearean prose. (Not to say that I am comparable in equality, because I AM NOT.)

At times, my style was similiar to that of old script. I think there's a romanticism in older writing that I wish had been carried over to the present. Latin was my first language to learn, other than my native English, and writing in that language was amazing. It's been years since I've had the opportunity, so most of that has gone out the window.

Mostly, if I have time, I translate doujinshi and work on my Japanese. I should be fluent as long as I've practice, but lack of a partner to practice with takes a toll.

Alas, I am but a homemaker. So much has to be done in such a small time frame, that it's almost impossible to catch my breath, let alone do the things that I used to. Partly because of the tiny monsters, which leave debris in their tracks.

Anyway, I feel so egotisical when I blog, or journal. Everything is I I I I.

It's more comforting to have legitimate conversations to convey ideas and loves, but this is kind of like a saving grace for me right now. Everything is so overwhelming, sometimes. That's life. Come at me, bro.

abraham lincoln, nonsense, inuyasha, howlingowl, ideas, musings, thoughts

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