Raven's Housewarming Party

Oct 31, 2011 19:26

Somewhere in the Glacier Bay Wilderness on the Southern coast of Alaska ( Read more... )

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Comments 1023

creator_raven October 5 2011, 02:08:53 UTC
Raven is perched on the arm of one of the chairs, making himself comfortable.

Or possibly herself.

Or possibly, just possibly, he is currently wearing feathers.

All things are possible, yes?

(It is, perhaps, a thing.)


nitro_is_ace October 5 2011, 14:50:34 UTC
Ace is currently wearing a leather jacket. This is, quite possibly, not shocking.

"So where'd y'hide that bloke from 'The Lifestyles of the Rich 'n' Famous'?" She asks, making herself comfortable on a comfortable Raven. "I'm sure he'd want t'check out sommat like this."


creator_raven October 6 2011, 00:29:16 UTC
"Mostly there was a ravine, yes?"

Raven's grin is bright.

And sharp.

"The eyeballs will be very tasty."

You know, once they've had a few days of seasoning.


nitro_is_ace October 21 2011, 01:04:49 UTC
She elbows him, rolling her (non-seasoned) eyes.

"You'd be deprivin' little old ladies everywhere a bit of vicarious pleasure. Knock it off, birdbrain." The pyro huffs righteously in defense of bad television.


Food and Drink howling_laugh October 5 2011, 02:56:54 UTC
In the kitchen, there are plenty of snacks. Cheese and crackers, vegetables and dip, fruit and fresh bread. Also sausages on sticks, which are traditional. The many plates of cookies are less traditional, but equally as necessary. It might also be better not to investigate some of the jars too closely. They might look like pickles, but they could be eyeballs. The fridge is also there for rummaging, if anyone feels especially brave.

As for drinks, there are dusty bottles of wine, and fresh bottles of local microbrews. There is a ceramic fountain, bubbling with water from Raven's artesian well, cold and clear and probably as intoxicating as the alcohol, if not in the chemical sense. Somewhere there are the ingredients for mixed drinks, and if you ask nice Coyote might make you one.

And since it is Raven's party, there are neatly rolled cigarettes. Most of them probably even have only tobacco in them.


forewarned_is October 6 2011, 02:42:50 UTC
Kali is by the drinks table, examining a bottle of red wine with a
considering air.


howling_laugh October 6 2011, 03:08:23 UTC
"I can assure you they are all good," Coyote says. "I cannot assure you that they are all from this century, or from this universe."

With a time traveler and a fantasy universe expatriate as the other hosts, you never know quite what you're gonna get.


forewarned_is October 6 2011, 03:21:37 UTC
"I think I may actually have had some of this pressing before." Lightly. "I was wondering how well it's aged since."


Living Room howling_laugh October 5 2011, 03:04:24 UTC
The fire is warm, the light is low. There are plenty of comfortable places to sit.

There is also a stash of s'more ingredients and neatly cut roasting sticks near the fireplace. Just in case, you understand.

Settle in!


Re: Living Room herald_to_be October 6 2011, 03:35:51 UTC
Ingress has on boots underneath her gown. Why would she fit her feet into silly slippers that make your feet cold when boots are ever so nice?

Even comfortable boots don't keep your feet from getting sore, however, so Ingress flops onto an armchair and eyes the roasting sticks.

S'mores??? She hasn't had a s'more since she was a little girl at a lake party!


Re: Living Room calls_him_sam October 7 2011, 03:29:37 UTC
A slow, thoroughly pleased smile spreads across Grace's face when she catches sight of a head of wonderful blue hair.

"I'll be back," she tells Alanna. Without waiting for permission -- which is completely against the rules her mom had insisted upon before they came, but Grace had crossed her toes when she swore, so that's okay -- she heads over to Ingress, doing a twirl on the way.



Re: Living Room herald_to_be October 7 2011, 03:40:07 UTC
"Hello!" Ingress waves at the other girl with great enthusiasm. "I didn't know you would be here. Come have a s'more with me!"


Upstairs howling_laugh October 5 2011, 03:10:45 UTC
Up the stairs is another mostly open room, this one with a sloped roof and exposed rafters. A neatly made bed dominates most of the room, with a closed chest at the foot of it. More shelves line the walls, filled with what could be the contents of Raven's pockets on any given day. (Minus the stale cookies. Someone has been cleaning.)

There is also a pull out couch, and a pink, sparkly perch suited for a bird Raven's size.

One door splits the area- there is a small side room with another bed, suitable for a guest who wants some privacy.


Re: Upstairs puckishly October 13 2011, 00:00:29 UTC
What kind of fairy would Puck be if he couldn't rustle up a little inappropriate nosiness?

This probably explains why he is snuffling around the bedroom and touching things.

(He hasn't yet discovered the side room, but will in about fifteen seconds or so.)


Re: Upstairs nitro_is_ace October 21 2011, 01:18:14 UTC
"Raven? Raven! Adobebutt, we need more.... um." Ace blinks, because that's not Raven. And, of course, since she's the sister, and wise in the ways of siblingdom, she's rather wishing she had a camera for possible blackmail in the future.

Alas. Truly.



Re: Upstairs puckishly October 24 2011, 01:20:22 UTC
Puck spins to face her, pleasantly.

"--Ah," he says.


Outside howling_laugh October 5 2011, 03:20:16 UTC
If you go back through the door without the intention of heading back to Milliways, you will end up outside.

The air is crisp and clear, above freezing, but cold enough to make fog out of anyone's breath. Raven's house is on a small rocky island in the middle of a river. The ground is mostly covered with scrub plants and gravel.

Not far from the door is a still pool of water, surrounded by smooth stones. It is clear, dark, and deep. Who knows how deep. It reflects the thin curve of the moon.


Re: Outside untiedtheknots October 11 2011, 02:19:38 UTC
At some point in the course of the evening, Artemis is going to want a little fresh air.

She's still warm from the party (and alcohol), so she leaves her jacket open as she steps away from the house to explore.

The pool draws her attention fairly quickly. (She wants to touch it. Her better judgement tells her not to.)


Re: Outside creator_raven October 23 2011, 00:59:56 UTC
"You are thirsty, perhaps?"

The voice comes from behind her.

More specifically it comes from the tall, skinny man in the ragged black coat.

The 'guest of honor', as it were.

He is not smiling.


Re: Outside untiedtheknots October 23 2011, 02:15:22 UTC

She looks back over her shoulder.

"You have a lovely home."


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