Morning Meme...

Sep 13, 2011 10:37

Comment to this entry and I'll give you a letter.

List ten things, people, places, beings, thoughts, feelings, that you love that begin with that letter and then post that list on your journal.

mizzy2k bade me complete using the letter T. Here goes.

1) TEA!
2) Tombolas
3) Toast (goes very well with TEA, and can provide the base for a multitude of yummy meals)
4) Television
5) Tequila (it makes me happy)
6) Tambourines
7) Tortellini
8) Time-travelers who wear bowties and a fez and talk in circles and look old and young at the same time
9) The word Tempestuous (I blame this on Grease 2 and the conversation about Hamlet)

Anyone want to play?

it's all about meme?

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