Here you will find all my writing neatly listed for your convenience.
Battlestar Galactica
Kepela Part two Part three PG-13, spoilers for whole series, complete ~10,000 words
The cycle of time is present in all things, their relationship is no exception.
Kara/Lee, Kara/Zak, Helo
Spend the night, I'll treat you right R, Pre-mini, no spoilers, AU complete ~ 3,000 words
When Kara's car breaks down in the middle of a road trip, Kara and Lee are stranded in a sleazy motel with only one bed. Can they resist temptation?
The words would only rhyme, we'd be in outer space” R/NC-17 - some sex but not overly explicit, Spoilers through LDYBII, complete, ~2000 words
What would happen if they actually had sex in Scar? How might the rest of the series go?
WARNING: This is NOT a happy fic.
When you're all alone, in a lonely room Part two Part three Part four NC-17, no spoilers, AU complete ~ 40,000 words
Crossover fic with Dirty Dancing. Written for the Summer Sexquinox fic exchange at
“pilots-presents” Kara Thrace had never thought she would ever find a man as wonderful as her dad, until the summer that he took her to Kellerman's
Kara/Lee, Helo/Six, Kara/Helo friendship
Underneath our feathered skin PG, no spoilers, set sometime in season one complete ~800 words.
Written for
sci_fi_shipper in response to her prompt Kara/Lee, folding laundry.
Check on! PG-13, no spoilers, AU, complete ~ 2,000 words
Exactly like Battlestar, except that instead of running a battlestar, they're running a restaurant!
You think you know, what you are, what's to come PG-13, Spoilers to end of season 2, complete ~500 words
Every week, once a week, they take a Raptor shuttle down to the planet.
Kara/Lee, Lee/Dee, Kara/Sam
Reporting for duty, sir PG-13, Spoilers up to Resurrection Ship 2, complete, ~800 words
Kara prefers it when Lee calls her sir
When the well runs dry PG-13, No real spoilers, set in series one, complete, ~800 words
Lee and Kara get drunk and decide to liberate some of Colonel Tigh's liquor supply
Moving day PG-13, Pre-mini, no spoilers, complete, ~1,000 words
Lee helps Kara move into her apartment.
Kara/Lee, Kara/Zak
Maintenance PG-13, spoilers up to Home part 2, complete, ~500 words
After her return from Kobol, Kara takes her frustration out on her viper, and anyone who may be listening
Holy Palmer's Kiss PG-13, spoilers up to Scar, complete, ~1,000 words
It's been too long since Kara has prayed, and the words don't come as easily as they used to.
You wanna give me a bath? R, spoilers to You Can't Go Home Again, complete, ~800 words
After flying the captured raider back to the Galactica, Kara insists on showering before Cottle can examine her
Alone again, naturally PG, spoilers to Fragged, complete, ~500 words
Kara's thoughts after she jumps back to Caprica
Kara/Lee, Kara/Helo friendship
The gods lift those who lift each other PG, spoilers through Hand of God, complete, ~300 words
Kara fumes when she's benched for the Tylium mission, Lee patches her up.
Be careful out there PG, spoilers for 33, complete, ~500 words
Just a little scene that I really think should have been included in the episode. KISSING
A little snuggle time PG, spoilers for Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down, complete, ~500 words
Lee returns to the bunkroom after the most awkward dinner in history, and tries to get Kara to go to sleep.
WARNING: May contain stealth snuggling.
Bad cop, bad cop PG, spoilers for Colonial Day, complete ~300 words
A missing scene after the Valance interrogation, maybe Kara isn't completely oblivious to Alpha!Lee
Put the sprinklers on the lawn PG, spoilers for Colonial Day, complete, ~300 words
The water fight I wish we had seen in full, with bonus cranky groundskeeper
Kara/Lee, Zak
The razor's edge PG, spoilers for Razor, complete, ~500 words
Kara drinks and moans about Kendra while Lee tries to do paperwork, it's not as dull as it sounds
Still a little bit of your taste, in my mouth R, spoilers for UB, complete, ~500 words
Between the ground-breaking and the invasion, they can't seem to stop themselves
Appreciated PG, no real spoilers, general season 1, complete, ~500 words
Lee keeps getting strange gifts from the pilots, and he can't seem to figure out why
Kara/Lee friendship
Cold Comfort PG/R, Spoilers for Home II, complete, ~800 words
Just a little bit of a stealth!snuggle during the time they spent on Kobol
Sympathy and soup PG, no spoilers, complete, ~800 words
Lee gets the flu, Kara tries to help
Laughter in the dark PG, spoilers for Water, complete, ~500 words
A shared moment on the observation deck
An old business procedure PG, no spoilers, complete, ~400 words
Karl's actually pretty good at cards, but he likes to keep it a secret
Helo, Helo/Kara friendship
Clean slate, battered soul PG, some season one spoilers but nothing way specific, complete ~400 words
Billy used to love whiteboards at school, but he's not at school now, and they have taken on a whole different meaning
Billy Keikaya
No use crying over PG, spoilers for AOC, complete, drabble
What happened to all that spilled paint?
Kara, Lee
These foolish games PG, no spoilers, complete, drabble
Just a stray scene from sometime in season one
In the morning PG, spoilers for UB, complete, drabble
Lee wakes up on the New Caprican earth, and is happy for a fleeting moment
Cracks PG, spoilers for UB, complete, drabble
After the dance begins the healing
Drowning PG, spoilers for Daybreak, complete, drabbleish
After Zak's death, she avoids him. He finds her in a bar.
Kara/Lee, Zak
Mr. President PG, spoilers for season 4, complete, drabble
Lee's first day as president is weird
Lee/Kara friendship
Reunion PG, spoilers for Exodus, complete, drabble
After the exodus from New Caprica, Lee sees Kara again
Life Stations PG, spoilers for Litmus, complete, drabble
Life stations after Doral's bombing is an unpleasant place to be, for everyone
Kara/Lee friendship
Comment ficPG, spoilers for AOC, complete drabble
Written for
taragel in response to a conversation she had with someone somewhere about soup and blankets that made me want to write hurt/comfort fic.
After the funeral, all he wants to do is find her and make sure she's alright
Kara/Lee friendship
DPP Bingo Drabbles
Set one - Crossovers
First contact - Law and Order,
Peace offering - The West Wing,
Drink it down and clear your head - Firefly,
Right in front of you - The Walking Dead,
Won't you come see about me - The Breakfast Club
All PG, no spoilers, complete, Kara/Lee
Set two
Can I borrow a cup of sugar - AU, PG, no spoilers,
Foresight - PG,spoilers up to LDYBII,
On a sandy land - PG, pre-mini,
The sinner's refrain - R, spoilers up to UB,
Doodle hearts - AU, PG, no spoilers
All Kara/Lee
Set three
Breathe with no air - R, no spoilers,
Wingman - PG, pre-mini AU, no spoilers,
Made you look - PG, pre-mini, no spoilers,
Wash it away - PG, spoilers up to Flesh and Bone,
Times have changed - PG, spoilers up to Blood on the Scales
All Kara/Lee
Set four
Gift shop - PG, no spoilers,
This seems familiar - PG, spoilers to Daybreak,
Twelve colonies - PG, spoilers to Sometimes a Great Notion,
Captain adama, sir - NC-17, no spoilers,
Nothing but the rain - PG, no spoilers
All Kara/Lee
Slowdance: A Waltz in Conversation R for language, spoilers up to Mash Up, complete, ~8,500 words
The dance is slow and doesn't quite work, neither of them really knows the steps. But maybe if they keep trying, at some point they'll improve. Puck and Rachel talk, or don't.
Written directly after Mash Up aired so is completely AU from there.
Quickstep: A Tango in Near Misses
Part one Part two Part three Part four Sequel to Slowdance: A Waltz in Conversation
R for language, spoilers for most of season one, complete ~5000 words
So he's got her to agree to a date, now they just have to go on one
Though We Lingered Oft' in the Garden
Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five Part six Part seven R for language, no spoilers, AU, complete, ~20,000 words
For as long as she could remember, Rachel’s summers had been all about three things; singing, dancing, and Noah.
We build statues out of snow, and then weep to see them melt PG, no spoilers, complete ~3000 words
Winter was Rachel's favourite season when she was younger
What we do is secret, what we share is not enough PG, no spoilers, complete ~1000 words
They'd known each other a long time, too long really, for any of this to ever become anything
Amends R for language, spoilers up to Funk, complete, ~1000 words
They're not really friends, and he doesn't really care, but sometimes he does stuff, for her. Or whatever.
Puck/Rachel friendship
And the world discovers, as my book ends PG, no spoilers, complete, ~4500 words
Puck keeps asking Rachel for advice about "this girl he wants to bang"
The Silent Treatment PG, no spoilers, complete, ~1000 words
Rachel gives Puck the silent treatment
And nothing hurts when you're with me PG, spoilers for season 2, complete ~2000 words
Hanging with Rachel is just this habit he's fallen into, and it doesn't make him feel any better, but it doesn't make him feel worse either, and that's pretty rare these days.
Puck, Rachel, Lauren friendship
How can you miss what you never had? R for language, spoilers for first half of season one, complete ~2000 words
Growing up without one of your parents is pretty hard, even if you don't want to admit it
Gen, Finn, Rachel, Puck, Kurt
Prise your fingers from the raft PG, spoilers for all season one, complete, ~2300 words
Puck and Finn find their way back to each other, because that's the only way they can go.
Puck and Finn bromance
From the book your soul is writing PG, no spoilers, complete, ~200 words
Artie dreams in bright colours
Gen, Artie
Once and Again
But actually, both of them are kind of weird, actually PG, spoilers for season two, complete, ~700 words
It's a difficult thing, figuring out what you are to someone, you kind of just have to let them show you.
To endure your heartbeat
Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five Part six Part seven Part eight Part nine Part ten Part eleven R for language, spoilers for whole show incomplete
Grace comes back to Chicago and discovers that pretty much everything is still the same
Totem PG, no real spoilers, complete, drabble
She looks for him, whenever things start to go wrong
If that railroad train were mine R, no spoilers, complete, ~1000 words
One night in bangkok can make a hard man humble
Doctor Who
Teach me what to do with you PG, spoilers for Time of the Angels, complete, ~1500 words
A missing scene and some stray thoughts
Eleven, Amy
The categories you fall under PG, spoilers for early season two, complete, ~1000 words
Olivia recovers, Peter watches. Things get put into categories.
Peter/Olivia, Sam Weiss
Some Kind of Wonderful
Everything loose will land PG, complete, ~1600 words
The cigarette burns, unsmoked in her hand. How long had she loved him?
Keith/Watts, Ray
Even if it's a lie, say it will be alrightPG, spoilers for whole series, complete
After graduation, they're on the road for a long time