not amanda

Feb 17, 2004 20:32

live live live journal. "my favorite thing." ther's a genius spewing lyrics and such on this shitty stereo that has something against the strokes. not their second album though, for some reason.

oh fresno. i've left my heart... in los angeles. i hear there are bands in fresno. good bands. punk rockin' chair. is alberto there? thanks.

i must rant about something. a few bands. on one particular night...

it'll grow back. at least that's what the doctors say. fresno gets the ass-kicking it needs from these merry pranksters. the guitarest though... HE'S TOO QUIET. sonuvabitch needs to turn up and blow our minds. and that josh. oh that josh. what a showman. but i already knew that from years of experience. i helped him acheive that and for it i am proud. and speaking of horror, i'm off soon to see evil dead 2. in a theater. oh what fun it is to fly.

and so then came montecore. they once had a drummer. 42 years young was he. tried to pick a fight. apparently he was high on vodka. and "mood-enhancement pills." what an asshole, but we're not here to talk about him. i want to express my gratitude to the band and their decision to put ely (sp?) on the skins. the band is now complete as far as i am concerned. i mean, they were good before, but now... ohmygod. let me call you bck on my house phone.

i got to talkin to scott that night too. extra bonus.

and then there was pinkeye. quite possibly (or no possibly at all about it) my musical soulmates. i sat this one out to watch rather than distract myself by dancing. i got a different experience to say the least. i got a few beers to say the least. i ran a few tears to say the least. put me in a good/bad mood. "is he crazy?" if la had pinkeye. "if fresno had daren..." so i hear so often. seven cats. and none are dead. a rash of pinkeye could spread through the nation with it's infectious nature. bigger than jesus one day. what?... the show? oh yeah - another fine pre(not per)formance. i have seen them steadily get better (especially YOU smedsy - keep them shoes off). and soon enough, the world is theirs. i just hope my life is spared when the fryers are fired up.

i've broken through the top of my soapbox and now i have nothing more to stand on.

this livejournal thing is addicting... like coke (a-cola). perhaps one day...

d a r e n
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