New Vid - Serenity, Please

Mar 01, 2012 23:39

Fandom: Serenity
Song: Apocalypse, Please
Artist: Muse
Vidder: Me, How_Obscure

Definite spoilers for the movie if you still haven't seen it.

image Click to view

This is my third vid and my first one for Serenity. I knew I had to vid this as soon as I heard the song. The song has been edited to move the musical interlude a verse earlier. It's a little sloppy, but it was the best I could do.

It has already been flagged for WMG content or whatever so I don't know how long it will stay up. If it disappers, let me know. If you want a download link, let me know as well.

fanvid: serenity

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