I arrived at work this morning to discover a large Amazon box on my desk. One down. An hour or so later, I'm handed a smaller Amazon package. Two down. My Xbox 360 and copy of GTA4 were sent separately, but arrived on the same day
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Hmm, I did wonder about that. I was going to try it last night, because I did get a cheap wireless USB thing with an old router, but I couldn't find it, so I guess I gave it to someone. If I need one, though, it'll only cost about £20. At the moment, I'm going to see what I can do about the moving the router out of my flatmate's room and into the living room. I'll still need about 7 metres of ethernet cable, though.
It exploded while I was playing GTA4 earlier, showering me with debris, and scarring me quite badly!
Bollocks to the wireless bridge, I'm just going to try and move the router into the front room and Ethernet it up. I haven't seen my flatmate since Monday, though..
Comments 4
Alternately, you can spend $10 for a long Ethernet cable and connect it directly to your router. :D
Live subs are about £25 on eBay, which is cool. I got one from there.
Bollocks to the wireless bridge, I'm just going to try and move the router into the front room and Ethernet it up. I haven't seen my flatmate since Monday, though..
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