Mar 25, 2008 07:59
I was having a dream about baby spiders and Kate Bush remixes this morning. As you do. The baby spiders part came from a time about 5 years ago when we had a nest of baby spiders at home, and Mum 'dealt with it' by running a feather duster through it. In the dream, someone tried to get rid of them, but there were still a load left, and they grew really quickly. I don't quite remember how the link to Kate Bush remixes came about, but there was a girl in an old house, and the soundtrack of the dream was remixes of each of the songs from The Whole Story. When the remix of Sat in your Lap came on (No such thing exists, to my knowledge, although Hybrid did a sweet remix of Experiment IV), I knew the girl was in trouble, so I went to help her. And then my alarm went off.
When I was straightening my covers, however, I found a medium-sized spider in my bed! I got it to crawl onto my hand, but when I lifted it up, it attached a bit of web to me, jumped off, and swung onto the bed. Like a ninja! It was really cool. I got a bit of tissue, and several other times when I tried picking it up, it jumped directly up into the air. I've never seen spiders that do that before. I got it out in the end, anyway.
I stayed up rather late watching Tokyo Godfathers last night. It's excellent. Slightly more in-depth opinion tonight, along with some photos of the snow we've had in Cambridge!
kate bush