DRABBLE: Insomnia

Jan 27, 2007 13:19

Title: Insomnia
Author: Housepiglet
Warnings/Spoilers: Generally for Series 3
Summary: Wilson is lost without House
Words: 100
Disclaimer: Still not mine

Inspired by the discussion at housefic_pens, I decided to try my hand at a first drabble. It was a very interesting exercise.

As ever, comments and concrit happily and gratefully received :)


The alarm sounded, and Wilson opened his eyes. The hotel room remained as sterile as the day he'd moved in. Unable to face it, he closed his eyes and turned towards the pillow.

The cafeteria alone seemed pointless, so Wilson ate at his desk. He didn't eat much. Half a sandwich seemed more than enough.

Hearing laughter as he buttoned his coat, Wilson realised he couldn't remember his last real smile. Ducking his head, he turned towards the rain.

The sense of loss was crushing: unendurable. Eyes burning, Wilson wondered whether he would ever sleep again.

The End


After the Conference, House took a taxi back from the airport, let himself back into the apartment and huggled Jimmy better again :)  Heheheh...

myfic, drabble

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