Um... WTF? Haemochromatosis spam in my LJ??

May 30, 2007 13:41

How utterly bizarre!

In my post-ep comments about The Jerk I mentioned that I have the haemochromatosis gene, because that was the condition the episode dealt with. I simply mentioned it, but the following comment has just been added to my LJ, here.

I haven't taken part in any haemochromatosis blog or discussion, btw: the gene thingy I've got would only be an issue if I were to have a child with a bloke who has one too, so it's not something I ever think about.

Has anyone else received spam in their LJ? How did the spammer know I'd used the word? Enquiring minds, etc...

Spammy Comment
Hemochromatosis and Phlebotomy - Updated Blog


Thanks for all your help so far with our Hemochromatosis blog. The discussion has changed in the last few days so we would like to take this opportunity to invite you again to a research blog on Hemochromatosis. We are very interested in you attitude toward Phlebotomy and have therefore added a few new questions.

To take part please click this link

The blog is anonymous and easy to use. Instructions are given on the blog so thanks in advance for your help it is much appreciated.

Best wishes

The Patient Connection

lj spam

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