Feb 09, 2006 11:31

OK...2 hours is NOT enough time to write three in-depth, well-structured essays. The worst of it is that I KNEW that stuff, and I could have come out of it with some kick-ass essays, but nope...instead I ended up with one good one and two mediocre ones because I had to pay so much attention to the time, I kept losing my train of thought. Argh.

My apologies to anyone who I usually attempt to keep in touch with...if you feel you're getting the silent treatment, it's because for the past few weeks I've been so busy I occasionally forget to eat until my growling tummy wakes me up at night :(
I cannot wait for Spring Break...I am SOOOO taking that week off of work. Screw Staples, I need some sleep. That reminds me, I need to request that off waaaaay ahead of time.

And for something completley different, what's up with the dude who rides a unicycle around campus? Now don't get me wrong, I've nothing against unicycles, and in fact have great respect for anyone who can ride one without falling on his face and breaking his nose. I wouldn't even be able to ride a bike with no hands and avoid falling on my face and breaking my nose. Hell..I can barely ride a bike at all anymore...
But is it really an efficient way to get from class to class? Bikes I can understand, and skateboards and rollerblades - most of the people who employ these methods of transit come close to running people over on a daily basis, but they considerably cut down their travel time across campus. Unicycle dude, on the other hand, barely moves faster than those of us who trudge along on foot, and does a great deal of huffing and puffing and wobbling. It seems like more work than it's worth, and he does it every day (or at the very least on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, because I always see him those days). Maybe he does it because it's such a good workout...or perhaps he just wants to turn heads. I think that when I inevitably see him on Tuesday, I'll walk alongside and ask him, and hopefully I won't make him fall on his face. Broken noses aren't pretty.
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