Jan 08, 2013 02:04
Trees in the castle and rocks in the roads, and earthquakes all night long. Awesome. It was just what Amy thought of when she considered the perfect night. Who didn't want to be regularly woken because things were shaking, anyway? Sleep wasn't that important, even for insomniacs.
Still, she's looking a little rough when she sits down with her fourth cup of coffee in the small coffee shop in Town. It's about time for her to put food in her system, but she's just not hungry. She's never hungry. She eats to appease Declán and because she starts feeling unreasonably weak when she goes too long without food.
She'd rather focus on coffee and how absolutely amazing New Year's Eve was, even without the liquor or champagne that everyone else had. She stayed sober, and so did Clive, and even better was that, at midnight, he'd kissed her like she'd never been kissed.
Oops. Blushing in public. Damn it.
Someone, come take her mind off of the King of Spades before she loses it entirely.
tally ♦,
+spades ♠,
ethan ♠,
hadyn ♥,
amy ♠