On the subject of writing angst and writing it well, here are two essays discovered over at the “Supernatural” fanfic thread on Television Without Pity. (Unlike the “House” fanfic thread, this one has somehow escaped draconian moderation and discussion of the craft of writing is still allowed.)
Credit goes to TWoP poster Bitterswete for finding these essays.
The serious one is first: “We Always Hurt the Ones We Love,” by Lucy Gillam
http://www.trickster.org/symposium/symp13.htm She covers three short theories, but there's a lot of meat on the bones of this essay about the attraction to strong, complex characters and the desire to put them in difficult situations.
And then there's the tongue-in-cheek method: “The Not Entirely Unofficial Guide to Writing Angst,” by Elaine McMillan
http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/3512/angsthowto.htm Only nine points are covered. All of them are hilarious. I was guffawing by the time I got to Number 6.