Jul 18, 2010 10:55
Our political system selects for charming people. More, for charming people who can tell voters the lies we all want to hear--that we can have something for nothing, that we can have it all both ways, that we can have things better, faster, and cheaper all at the same time. That if we don't have what we want, right now, it's all somebody else's fault. That problems that may not even be solvable have solutions and they've got a plan that will do it.
What personality types have beautiful, easy charm and the ability to lie with absolute sincerity?
Narcissists and sociopaths. Conscienceless, in it for themselves, many will take care of "their" districts, constituents, or country because it's "theirs" and they like to take care of their stuff.
And those are the guys we want (not that we ought to want them), because those of us with consciences in everyday life are almost all happy to be conscienceless bastiges as long as we can do it at one remove and blame someone else if it goes sour.
It's not the Democrats or the Republicans or even the politicians generally. We have met the enemy and he is us.
But. You know what they say: Democracy is the worst possible system for the governance of man, except for all the others.
How horrible a place the world would be if we all got what we deserved. The mercy and beauty of the world is that, in general, we don't get half the kicking around we earn for ourselves.
Don't blame the politicians. We all picked them, and with few exceptions they're all conscienceless bastiges--which is why we picked them. We did this to ourselves, we deserve it, the only thing for it now is to suck it up and deal and try to pull ourselves out of it.
Don't like hearing this? Hey, truth hurts. And one of the reasons I'll never hold public office is because I'm plain-spoken enough to come out and say it. You, gentle reader, are the problem. I am the problem. Suck it up and deal.