A familiar owl flies into Tonks's room

Aug 14, 2004 21:44

A package in the owl's talons is addressed to Tonks. The letter inside reads:

Dear Tonks,

I wanted to apologize for leaving you so abruptly the other night. A real friend would have stayed - Door tells me it was ungallant to disappear like I did. I do hope you will forgive me. I am still learning how to be a good friend, and as I was worried about Door and Ingress, I didn’t think before Disapparating.

I hope you are well. I know how much the events of the other night distressed you. While in the magical district of Rome, I came across something I thought you’d appreciate for its beauty as well its usefulness.

Door says hello, and she tells me she wishes she were with you right now. Ingress sends her love and this picture to lift your spirits. And of course, I send you my regards and respect.


P.S. I also sent a few items I picked up in Vatican City. Keep one of them with you at all times.

Enclosed in the package is an old fashioned make up compact, or at least that’s what it looks like. It is a delicate thing of finely worked gold leaf, and when it’s opened, its owner can immediately see what it really is - a foe glass, portable and easily hidden.

Also in the package are four vials of holy water.

owl post, nymphadora tonks, tom riddle

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