Sep 16, 2008 05:55
Much pointless ranting follows. You have been warned.
I think by the time everything's said and done, I will be drowning in fake plastic guitars. I mean, goddamn. Is it really that hard to make something that will just work, and rely on the quality of the product to win out? Fucking compatibility issues.
That short rant was brought to you by the increasingly likely possibility of me getting a ps3 and rock band 2 by the end of the year (among a bunch of other things). Maybe. I'm seriously contemplating selling guitar hero 3 for the sole purpose of lessening how many of the damn things I have. Because for some reason, the ps2 guitars barely work on the ps3, and the ps3 rock band guitar works with jack and shit. Apparently. I can't find solid confirmation on this anywhere. Irritating as shit.
I'm also fairly certain that socks are my bane. Not as much so as celery, certainly. I can put up with them in certain circumstances. Mainly if it's really fucking cold. But really. Shoes with no socks is infinitely better than with. So much so that I'm okay with not wearing sandals until spring/summer roll around again.
Sarah's Mom's been staying with us since Thursday to take care of her while she recovers from the surgery and such. Not entirely sure how well that's going. Because I'm an ass.
I think that's it. One of these days I'll get around to posting the 30-something photos I've taken since the last update. Though I think a couple of them are getting deleted. Not sure yet.