I give myself very good advice...but I very seldom follow it.

Feb 01, 2006 19:49

It felt really good today working on Festival. I was in the zone, and I think everyone else was too. If Foster would get down to teaching the music we could really get into it and start improving. So it still hasn't hit me that I am going to A&M. I am for sure. I am not sure about the corps though. I will spend the night with them in a couple of weeks. I don't like hearing that most corps students are asleep in class, and their highest GPA is a 2.6. I know I can get that 4.0, or at least a 3.6. I don't want the corps to be holding anything back from me, and that's what I am afraid of. I'm not even going to join the military or anything. I just want to be in the band. It takes most of them to graudate in not four, but five years, mostly because of mandatory military classes. I think I might have to take summer courses at Blinn so I won't fall behind. I think I'm going to take Into to Engineering and Physics in the summer. I will be preparing for the Biology, Environmental Science, English 3, English 4, Chemistry, and U.S. History AP tests. I want to get at least a four on all of these tests. I won't pass Calculus and I don't think I'll pass Chemistry, but I can try. I just want to get as many "Intro" classes out of the way as soon as possible. That's wasted time and money that I could be using for something else. Sounds like a lot, but I think it's do-able. Plus my other goals of Spanish, cooking, and driving. I will make time.
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