(no subject)

Sep 05, 2010 00:18

i have figured out a really great survival mechanism, which is to pretend that my essay doesn't exist, and just focus on finishing my Studio Report. Also called the Critical Reflection Document (CRD), or more popularly, the Artistic Research and Studio Exegesis. (ARSE).

I think i'm doing ok.

Today was emotionally pretty draining, I got to grandma's at 12.30 and she was crying because she thought no one was coming to see her (actually uncle Garry had already been there in the morning). Apparently she fell over on Tuesday and then again on Wednesday, no injuries thank god, but now she is too scared to do anything like get dressed or go outside when no one is around.

Being 92 sucks, like, a lot. Note to self.

I'm considering offering to move into the spare room once uni is over. Lesley would say no emphatically, and it would be a bit sucky for me, but logically speaking it makes sense. It would save grandma from being anxious all the time, I'm over there heaps already, it's not too far away from my piano students, i'm the only person in the family who's not attached to a partner, there's plenty of room...there's just not many reasons NOT to do it, other than that she might drive me insane.
If it's really bad I can always just lie back and think of the inheritance.
I joke, I joke.
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