FIC: All things considered (Steve/Danny)

Jan 19, 2011 14:00

Title: All things considered
Summary: "Uh, your car's in the shop," Steve says casually.
Rating/content: PG-13 for language
Word count: 297
A/N: Written for Round 1 of sd_ldws, the Steve/Danny last drabble writer standing competition. The genre was "crack" and the prompt was "engine trouble." Thanks to nova33 for the feedback.

All things considered

Danny knows something is wrong as soon as he sees Steve's name on the caller ID after hearing about the shoot-out at Dillingham Airfield. These calls never end well.

"Uh, your car's in the shop," Steve says casually, in the voice he reserves for the governor when he opens fire in a shopping mall.

Danny had been on the phone with Grace that morning, too distracted to argue when Steve had swooped in and grabbed the keys off of his desk without even asking. "What'd you do?"

There's a pause and then, "It was having engine trouble."

"Engine trouble," Danny echoes flatly.

"Yeah, something with the starter."

"I don't believe you," says Danny. "You know what I think is wrong with the car? I think you are what is wrong with the car! What did you do this time, drive it off a pier? Are they pumping seaweed out of the carburetor?"

Steve mumbles something.

"I'm sorry," says Danny, voice squeaking like an altar boy's. "I thought you just said it got run over by a plane."

Steve clears his throat. "It kind of landed on it."


"Don't worry, I wasn't inside or anything," Steve says, sounding hurt.

"So when you said 'engine trouble', what you really meant was that the engine has been flattened like a pancake by a 747."

"It was just a charter plane, they're pretty small--"

"And my car - my beautiful fucking car - is gone forever because of you!"

"The governor says she'll pay for a new one. Anything you want."

Danny's next words die in his throat. "Wait, anything?"


All things considered, Danny thinks as he pulls the Porsche out of the dealer lot, it really could have been a lot worse.

fic: steve/danny, fic: h50

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