Aug 31, 2004 14:15
Okay, this morning I walk into the school with my friend Chamila (gotta love the name) and there's a bunch of year 8,9,10 (I can't tell the difference) kids that look at me and go "AHH! THE CHINESE MAN! HE'S THE DEVIL". So I'm thinking "okay, some little dipshits are calling me the devil". And I do what I always do - Walk on.
So for the rest of the day I consider the possibility of me being the Devil, but then SHANE FARNSWORTH, whom you should all (somehow) remember as the guy that gave me my first bible, comes up to me and gives me a *PROPER, GOLD-LEAF, WHITE COVERED, -HOLY BIBLE-* and says "As promised, I got you a good bible, it costs 16 bucks and it was a bargain". And I think it really was a bargain cuz it looks really cool. Heck I could hang it over my neck and use it as a fashion accessory. I wish I had a picture but I quite obviously don't.
And so now I have a white Holy Bible. It's cool because it actually says "Holy Bible" as opposed to "Level 27" and it does not contain stupid headings or stupid shit that makes me think Christianity is stupider than it really is.
For the rest of the classes I had that day I had it plopped on my table. Every time someone pissed me off, which is, somewhat often, I put my hand on the bible and said "God, please thunderbolt his/her ass off".
But it never happened.
Oh well.