Guess I'm here...

Mar 22, 2008 10:20

Ugh....I just got through battling some of the most moronic site moderators there are over at I honestly thought that it was a battle that I could have won but I lost. Okay so I have some sexually explicit content in my diary. But sex is a part of my life and what they offer is a shouldn't I be free to write whatever I want? BOY WAS I WRONG. The moderators chewed my ass up and turned my diary private where NO ONE CAN VIEW IT. I have never felt more disrespected and singled out than the way that I have felt on mydeardiary. DON'T GO THERE if you want to be able to express yourself.

So somebody told me about hope I can be free to detail my life here. Will I be? Guess only time will tell as with how it happened at MDD. I now have to forsake nearly 200 entries of my life because I had a few entries that talked about sex. What a waste of time and life documentation. Nonetheless, I am here--I guess, so where do I begin....

Well, I am stuck between happiness and sadness. As far as God is concerned I am in between belief and disbelief and my life is a roller coaster full of ups and downs. I am in pursuit of career in the entertainment industry have quite few thing going for myself in spite of the fact that I lost everything back in 2007. I am a part of an awesome stage play, I work for the Atlanta Hawks. I also work as a secruity dispatcher for a major downtown hotel. With all that I do--THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING HAPPENING...some good, mostly bad, but alway hectic and in need of some clarification. I am very sexually explorative, though my life does not consist of only sex, it is something that will come up--go figure!!!  So here I am, starting all over again, attempting to tell my life story as I climb this ladder of life. I am a hot boy at the age of 23 (Hotboi23) and I am attempting to take this crazy world by storm.

Those of you whom have accounts with MDD probably have come across my diary atleast ONCE and have seen the controversy posted by its users and moderators in the comment section of my diary--Boy was that a mess.  Here I am...take me as I am or don't take me at all.
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