
Apr 03, 2008 07:46

Its funny how when you finally start to settle into life or into the fact that things are the way they are,  you start to complain less. Life over at MDD was a headache and literally I was an explosive device going off on every person in my life and that includes some of the diarist over there. I mean hell, I went off on the moderators and they blocked me. SAD SAD....I went back to visit, read some people's diaires posted some comments. I miss life over there but everything happens for a reason I guess.

My diary was a constant reminder of my then circumstances. Now, though still without a car, still stuck between faith and no faith, I am able to deal a whole lot better. And still, I have a lot going for me...seeing as how things are getting pretty big I guess I am willing to cope with the fact that I have had to struggle and for a long time.

I miss some of the diarist who had favorited my diary. We kept in touch constantly. Messaging, commenting, it was like an online family. We understood each other, congratulated each other on successes, gave honest advice on bad choices that had been made, it ws always exciting to see what was new in each others lives.

They were there when my account had overdrawn last year at $450, they were there arter I lost apartment, they were there when my faith had began to dwindle, they were there during some of my most steamy sexual encounters, they were there when I had my car accident, they were there when I began lashing out at any and everyone.  THEY WERE THERE....

MyDearDIary watched as the site moderators chewed my ass up, Some were supportive, others warned that they were going to block me, others cheered the moderators on. It was what one diarist described as a "hornets nest." So I am here at livejournal and my life has since taken on a new spin since leaving MDD. A more positive spin based around my dreams and aspirations. I have had my fair and not so fair share of headaches--Done all the complaining I could its time to look at my life on different tip and set aside all the heartache that was documented on

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