Apr 02, 2008 07:28
I want more, I prayed for more, I'm getting more---GIMME MORE!!!! Tonight the cast of the stage production has a HUGE radio interview which will be broadcasted over one of ATL's largest FM frequencies. West sent the text last night informning everyone of the news and I nearly had a stroke--LOL I am so excited about this promo. Thing is--I am almost certain that the entire cast will come out for this one which would mean less airtime for me. But that's okay as long as the play is getting exposure. No matter how much my voice is heard onair I know ultimately it will pay off as people come out to the show. THIS ONE IS GONNA BE BIG!!!! I'm hoping.
Anything new? I don't know.. I had sex the night before last but that's nothing new, I'm always meeting new people. Guess this play has really got me focused on it. I don't really see anything major to report right now. How's work? Its work...I guess...I mean I'm still a dspatcher whom had to forfiet his promotion into HR. That's pretty much what it is, what its been.
Dad? We NEVER really see each other any more and we live in the same house. Let's KEEP IT THAT WAY.
Phi? She doesn't come around much like she used to. Probably because she has a lawsuit pending and feels like once she comes into this money her family will want to be bothered with her when they never really wanted to be to begin with. Well, count me out...I need nothing from her and this whole act she has going on could phase me less. I miss the kids sometimes but its what their mother decides is what keeps the family seperated. Black people and their selfish ways. Black families don't stick together anymore and it drives me nuts. Parents against their children, children against their parents. Sibling rivalries....Well I guess that's with every race huh?
Charlie? He's still charlie...attitude the same with no job. He is beginning to lose all mental peace and it is showing. I don't know what he's thinking sometimes and though I am not going to give up on him as friend, I do have to say that I am getting tired of a lot of his ways. I don't call him like I used to, not much anyway. His attitude pushes to many people away...like it used to do me but now that I am used to it, I stick around. But every now and again I need a break from the guy I sometimes have to ask myself is really friend. I ran into him on the train a couple days ago...he was job searching he says. He's behind on his rent---Go figure--and has next to no food in his house. And you wanna know why? All because he had to "tell off" a co-worker. A positive attitude goes along way--while a bad one....the rest goes without saying.
Keisha? She is still sexy as ever....gaining a little weight though. I really didn't notice it until another guy on the job pointed it out. That's when I began to actually search her body for flaws. Before that, to me there were none. Sadly after hearing that guy say she was getting big,I too began to see it. Lately I have been thinking about a womans body. Something that I haven't touched since Keisha and I had associated ourselves with one another. I have been thinking about a woman's breast, their feel, a womans thighs, her curves. I have been thinking about having sex with a woman. Not Keisha, but a sexy little mama whom is willing to throw herself all over me. Like in high school. How the girls wanted me so bad they'd pull me into the girls bathroom and damn near rape me. Those were the good 'ol days. Well aside from going home and being abused and molested by my cousin and beaten by my adoptive mother--yea those were the good 'ol days.
Really, my adpotive mother is the reason I dare not touch a woman. Her constant physical abuse, emotional abuse-- it all made me somewhat hate women. Not in a literal sense but in the fact that I could never really imagine myself being emotionally content being with a woman. Then my cousin touching in places he shouldn't adds to the fact that I now have sex with men. It makes sense to me now, more than it did growing up. The reason behind my disgust for women and my attraction to men. But lately....I have been desiring, excuse my vulgarity, pussy. And if you know Hotboi23....Then you know that he will get some.