APP: William T. Spears // Mayfield

Jan 13, 2011 23:14

Name: Cassie
Personal LJ: tokyocentricity
Contact Info: tokyocentricity (AIM); tokyocentricity@gmail.
Other Characters Played: Also currently apping for Vincent Phantomhive, but no characters currently in play.
Preferred Housing: If at all possible, I'd like him to be stuck with the Grell that's also currently apping, assuming we're both accepted. It's been talked over with the other player already.

Character Name: William T. Spears.
Character Series: Kuroshitsuji.
Character Age: Unknown; apparent age mid-twenties?
Background: Wiki!

Personality: Will presents as a stone-cold bastard. He seems to have little consideration for others, generally thinking only of himself, and adhering strictly to rules, regardless of the consequences. To some extent, this is true. His main concern is for his job, which he does with a chilly sort of efficiency. He hates to stray from the rules and holds a sharp distaste for others who do, as well as for those who slack off. He's always working hard, not because he enjoys it, as some might think, but because he hates working overtime. He prefers to keep his work and his free time distinctly separated, and that's very difficult to do when his work time keeps bleeding into the rest of his (rigid) schedule.

As a senior in the workplace, he expects his underlings to work just as hard as he does. He takes on as many responsibilities as he can manage, never more and never, ever less, and he takes them very seriously (as he takes most things - he's not the joking type). When the people around him fail to do the same, it frustrates him. He tends to feel that he's the only one pulling his weight. He has no qualms with insulting them and punishing them for their actions, sometimes violently. He has many more qualms with having to clean up their messes and apologize in their wake. Forcing him to pay for his coworkers' incompetence is a quick way to piss him off.

He's not the angry type, though - while easily irritated, it takes a monumentally concerted effort to actually anger him, and even then, he's the type to bottle it up, not voice his feelings. In emotional situations in general, he has a tendency to be shy and uncomfortable. Feelings aren't something he's well acquainted with (not, as rumour has it, because he has none, but) because he doesn't often express them openly. Practicality takes priority over emotion in his life; he keeps himself busy and he keeps his head above the emotional tides. He's a hard man to get close to because of this, but if you can manage it, you've won his loyalty for life.

Overall, he prefers to keep to himself and for others to do the same. Unfortunately, it's rare for that to actually work out for him. If he had his way, he would be surrounded by competent, polite and like-minded individuals who did their jobs as efficiently as he does his, and left him to his business while he left them to theirs. What he doesn't realize, however, is that if he had his way, he would be incredibly bored. The people around him put a spin on his life that he would probably sincerely miss if they went away.

Abilities: As a Death God, William has a number of abilities typical to the profession - above-average strength, speed and reflexes are only the beginning. His job is to supervise the deaths of humans, to investigate untimely deaths and those who escape their intended deaths, and to collect the souls of the dead to be judged. As such, he possesses a deathscythe, the standard tool of the Death Gods, used to release a human's Cinematic Record, a record of their life on Earth. His deathscythe (is not an ability, but will be taken upon his arrival, so I thought it relevant) is a standard model: a polearm-like weapon with clipper blades on either end, and the ability to extend its length over great distances.

Sample Entry: [ There is a slight clearing-of-throat before he speaks. You can almost envision him adjusting his tie. ]

I've had many suggestions to become a teacher, however, I would rather avoid working with children if at all possible. Schools full of these... hiveminded creatures in miniature might be bearable, but I suspect that the arrivals from elsewhere also attend school, where appropriate. I'm sure they're less bearable.

In lieu of that, I'm considering becoming a librarian. It's not as if it would be much different from being a Death God. I spent more time shelving records than reaping souls, most days. If not, perhaps a banker - the pay is better; something to consider.

Is there anyone with any experience in these positions here at Mayfield? I've a feeling that they're not precisely the same here as anywhere else.

app, mayfield, kuroshitsuji

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