PROFILE: William T. Spears (Canon)

Jan 13, 2011 22:40


Name: William Thomas Spears
Age: Unknown
Birthdate: Unknown (effectively January 4)
Birthplace: Unknown
Bloodtype: A
Dominant Hand: Right
Eyesight: Legally blind.

Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 155 lbs.
Hair: Dark brown, shortish, thick. Easily styled, usually combed neatly out of his face.
Eyes: Bright, yellow-green, sharp.
Skin: Clear, fair, well-cared for.

Favourite food: Buttermilk pancakes (and elderflower cordial, not necessarily together).
Favourite colour: Green.
Favourite books: Record books. (I think this is a serious answer....)
Favourite music: None in particular. (He's partial to the sound of the cello.)
Favourite animal: None in particular. (Though he has a latent fondness for crocodiles. I've no idea why.)
Favourite weather: Light spring rain.
Favourite sport/physical activity: Rugby (league or union).
Preferred type: ... He won't answer this. (I think the answer is 'wild.')

Disliked food: Not a fan of pork in any form.
Disliked colour: Red.
Disliked books: Magazines. They're not real books.
Disliked music: Metal.
Disliked animal: None in particular.
Disliked weather: Hot, sunny, still.
Disliked sport/physical activity: Badminton.
Disliked type: 'The type who slacks off.'

Basic nature: Efficient.
Spends money on: Cleaning supplies for his deathscythe, ....
Currently wants: ...
Kinsey rating: Like a 5.
Marital status: Single, not looking.
Current occupation: Death God.
Current residence: Unknown.

Scents: Aftershave; clean, dark, deep, pronounced.
Fashion: Outside of the standard Death God uniform, which he wears strictly to code, he tends toward dark suits and ties (so... basically no different). The man has no casual wear.
Handwriting: Elegant, sharp, efficient, rightward-slanting. Even baseline, light pressure, smallish letters.
Laugh: Soft, low and very infrequent.
Sense of humour: Dark, clean, complex.
Temper: Easily irritated, but difficult to anger. Very slow to forgive.

Sun sign: Capricorn.
Decanate: Taurus.
Moon sign: Capricorn.
Rising sign: Scorpio.
(Mer/Cap, Ven/Sag, Mar/Lib, Jup/Sag, Sat/Sco, Ura/Sag, Nep/Sag, Plu/Sco)

Sin: Wrath.
Virtue: Diligence.

Dominant character traits: Serious, mature, responsible.
Likeable traits: Dutiful, efficient, loyal.
Annoying traits: Reserved, uptight, stoic.

Talents: Combat specialist (hand-to-hand and polearms, in particular), highly organized, quick reader.
Hobbies: ... None notable.
Ambitions: ... ?
Educational background: None known.

Introvert/extrovert: Introvert.
Intuitive/reasoning: Reasoning.
Optimist/pessimist: Pessimist.
Tense/relaxed: Tense.
Serious/carefree: Serious.
Chaotic/methodical: Methodical.
Work/play: Work.
Daredevil/cautious: Cautious.
Confident/diffident: Confident.
Passionate/indifferent: Indifferent.

profile, kuroshitsuji

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