PROFILE: Konjiki Koharu // Prince of Tennis

Apr 24, 2011 15:48


Name: Konjiki Koharu
Age: 15
Height: 170cm
Weight: 60kg
Birthdate: November 9
Hair: Dark, short
Eyes: Dark
Birthplace: Osaka International Airport
Other facial features: None notable
Dress (style, colors): American '50s, both guys' and girls' retro (though more the former than the latter)

Description of bedroom: Semi-neat and very well lived-in. The walls are covered with pale pink paint and plastered with posters and magazine clippings of idols, comedians, actors, etc. There is a framed picture of Einstein with a kiss marked in pink lipstick above his desk. On the desk itself, there are two monitors (for one PC), a laptop (which comes and goes, as laptops do), and an Albert Einstein action figure. His keyboards (two!) are Das Keyboard II (a completely textless black keyboard) and a Bluetooth Laser virtual keyboard (which is a backup). On the bedside table, next to the lamp, is an LED binary clock. The bed is generally messily / half-heartedly made, and the pile of laundry near the closet gets taken care of once a week or so. The curtains stay drawn most always, except occasionally in spring and summer.
Current occupation: Student
Marital status: Loosely taken?
Favourite food: Dried plums
Favourite colour: Chartreuse, pink
Favourite weather: Light, sunny and breezy spring weather
Favourite sport/physical activity: Tennis

Dominant character traits: Friendly, talkative, playful, mercurial, intense.
Likeable traits: Outgoing, nice, loving.
Annoying traits: Impatient, elitist, inconsistent.

Love interest(s): Yuuji
Lust interest(s): Yuuji, Yuushi, Senri, Shiraishi, Kaidoh
Close friends: Yuuji, Shiraishi, Senri, Kenya, Zaizen, Kintarou, Gin, Kenjirou
Other friends: Not too many
Acquaintances: Numerous
Enemies and why: None in particular
Family: Mother, father, older sister

Sense of humour: Complex, (mostly) clean and light.
Temper: Slightly quick-tempered, but quick to laugh it off.
Basic nature: Friendly, sharp and flighty.
Kinsey rating: 5.5.
Ambitions: To make the Emperor laugh.
Educational background: Graduated from Domyouji Elementary School and Shitenhouji Junior High.
Philosophy of life: 'Pink Unrequited Love.' ... What?

Habits: Nail-biting, making jokes, flirting and teasing
Talents: Making people laugh, remembering facts and trivia
Hobbies: Making jokes, costume play
Entertainment of choice: Manzai shows


What's one thing no one knows about you? Well, if I told you, that would kind of ruin it, wouldn't it? <3

What's one thing everyone assumes about you that isn't true? Do I have to pick one? People assume a lot of things. ... Well, probably that I don't take anything seriously. I like to laugh, but that doesn't mean I laugh at everything.

What's one thing you wish you could stop? Biting my nails. It's horrible of me, especially because I can't keep polish on them like this. Yuu-kun said he'd help me stop, though~ <3

What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have? I can't think of much? Maybe I wish I could've had a conversation with Albert Einstein, though.

What are you a sucker for? The big, strong, aggressive and easily-flustered types~. <3

What's your biggest pet peeve? People who take things - or themselves - too seriously.

What can absolutely make your day, no matter what? A good joke. <3

What's the worst part of your life right now? Ahh, my sister still living at home. If she moves out, I get the bathroom to myself~

Do you have or want children? Not now, or anytime soon, even, but maybe someday.

If/when you ever have children, what is one thing you absolutely want to teach them? It's better to laugh than to cry, isn't it?

What was the worst advice your father ever gave you? The best? The worst? I can't think of anything in particular. He is the one who told me to shave my head, though. That was a good thing; I'm a lot happier now that I'm less concerned with my appearance.

When did you feel you'd finally 'come of age?' You know, I'm not sure I have.

How do you deal with depression, stress or sadness? I try to laugh it off most of the time, but sometimes it gets the better of me. That's everyone, though, isn't it?

How do you think of yourself? I think I'm a pretty nice person, and that I have my priorities arranged nicely. - Maybe I could be more considerate to my family.

How do your friends think of you? That I'm funny, if nothing else. I'm sure they think I'm a little misunderstood, too - they're my friends because they understand me, after all.

How do your enemies think of you? As ridiculous, pompous, exclusive, and probably ugly. [laughs]

What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Our match against Seishun Gakuen in the semifinals at Nationals - we lost, but it was a good match, and everyone walked away laughing.

What has been your most humbling experience to date? Who wants to talk about that? [laughs]

What will it take for you to die happy? I want to make the Emperor laugh!

What would you rather be doing right now? Anything with Yuuji. <3

profile, prince of tennis

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