altblood plottings

Apr 23, 2011 00:53

Your name is KARKAT VANTAS.

Your TYRIAN PURPLE blood is the highest in the hemospectrum. As such, you are the HEIR APPARENT to the Alternian throne. You don't flaunt your title so much as you TAKE IT FOR GRANTED. You look forward to a life as both EMPEROR and HEAD THRESHECUTIONER. You don't mind GETTING YOUR HANDS DIRTY, especially when it comes to culling: when your time comes, you will cull HEAVILY, MERCILESSLY and INDISCRIMINATELY.

Under your rule, trolls will be culled for being STUPID, UGLY, or just for driving you BATSHIT UP THE FUCKING BELFRY. Sure, the race will be smaller when you're done with it, but at least it won't be a race of OBNOXIOUS FUCKING NOOKSTAINS.

Your trolltag is imperialThreshecutioner, and you speak in a manner that is ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY ORNERY, ALL THE TIME.


Your name is FEFERI PEIXES.

You are blood is MAGENTA, making you a SEA-DWELLER, and allegedly better than all the land-dwellers out there, but you think that's ABALONE-Y, and that we should all just LEARN TO GET ALONG.

You are BASICALLY ALWAYS at odds with His Future Imperious Jackassery, thanks to your VASTLY DIFFERING VIEWS on culling, society and PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING ELSE. You consistently and tirelessly challenge his AUTHORITY and POWER, but are ever-vigilant toward his MONSTROUS LUSUS, whom you actively participates in feeding, as a gesture of GOODWILL and a bid for PEACE.

Your trolltag is seahorseSentinel, and you )(ave a )(ard time not getting R-EALLY -EXCIT-ED ABOUT PRACTICALLY -EV-------ERYT)(ING!


Your name is TEREZI PYROPE.

You're pretty much CHILL basically all the time, but FUCK, ARE YOU WEIRD. Thanks to a TRAGIC ACCIDENT back in your FLARPING DAYS, you're completely BLIND, but you make up for it by TASTING AND SMELLING your way through the world.

You nosh on SOPOR SLIME PIE, since your absent lusus never told you not to, and it keeps you MELLOWED OUT. Being a GRAND HIGHBLOOD, however, it's probably a good thing, because when LEFT UNCHECKED, you get downright MURDEROUS and NASTY. You are destined to someday join the ranks of the SUBJUGGLATORS.

Your trolltag is highJugglernaut and you SP34K W1TH TH3 NUM3R4LS TH3 BL1ND PROPH3TS ONC3 US3D.


Your name is TAVROS NITRAM.

You're very STRONG, which is KIND OF UNFORTUNATE, in your opinion, since it means he can't give HUGS. You're totally a NICE GUY, but you have a really UGLY TEMPER. You go into a violent rage at the DROP OF A HAT. You try to keep your fury in check by BEATING UP ROBOTS.

Thanks to a GENUINELY TRAGIC ACCIDENT back in your FLARPING DAYS, you don't FLARP anymore. Instead, you stick strictly to TEXT ROLEPLAYING. You wouldn't want to KILL ANYONE AGAIN.

Your trolltag is hoofbeastPlay and you typically uHH, sPEAK IN A SORT OF, uHH, fALTERING MANNER,


Your name is KANAYA MARYAM.

Your lusus' INSATIABLE APPETITE keeps you very busy and fosters your VIOLENT HOMICIDAL COMPLEX. Since your lusus feeds on young trolls, you have no choice but to HUNT AND KILL THEM for her needs. As such, you are predatory, calculating, manipulative and PRETTY MUCH UNPLEASANT ALL OVER.

You are gifted with VISION EIGHTFOLD, which you often use to suss out others' worst fears and use them to your advantage in the MIND GAMES that often precede MURDER.

Your trolltag is rapaciousAncillary and you Tend To Enunciate Each Word You Speak Very Clearly And Carefully.


Your name is SOLLUX CAPTOR.

You are fortunate enough to have been raised by a MAGNIFICENT DRAGON. Your lusus has taught you the value of BALANCE IN ALL THINGS, which has had the unfortunate side effect of GIVING YOU A COMPLEX, because your eyes are mismatched. You wear STYLISH TEAL GLASSES to cover them up.

Thanks to your lusus' teachings, you also have a strong sense of KARMA (instant), REVENGE (sweet) and JUSTICE (rough). You're well on your way to becoming one of the feared and reproached ADJUDELINQUENTS that keep the peace in the streets. All in all, you're a pretty BADASS MOTHERFUCKER.

Your trolltag is karmicPeacemaker and you tend two 2peak wiith a biit of a lii2p.


Your name is ERIDAN AMPORA.

You are the only known member of your race to possess JADE GREEN BLOOD, which makes you PRETTY FUCKING SPECIAL, INDEED. You are also a DAYWALKER. Unlike other trolls, you are unaffected by the HARSH ALTERNIAN SUN. In fact, you ENJOY IT. You also enjoy your lusus, which is JUST AS INIMITABLY RARE as everything else about you. Your lusus is a VIRGIN MOTHERGRUB, a custodian that can only be obtained by someone with your blood colour.

You spend a lot of your time flaunting these EXTRAORDINARY QUALITIES to your fellow trolls. Some might even say you thought yourself BETTER THAN THE SEA-DWELLERS. They'd probably be right.

Your trolltag is and you speak wwith a vvery wweird and sort of wwavvy soundin accent.


Your name is ARADIA MEGIDO.

Your blood colour is OKAY, BUT NOT GREAT. Your lusus, however, is AWESOME. You were raised on fresh kills and you KNOW HOW TO HUNT. You're pretty much a BADASS, since you kill things with YOUR BARE HANDS.

Unfortunately, due to a GENUINELY TRAGIC ACCIDENT back in your FLARPING DAYS, you are now DEAD. Your friend killed you in an INSPIRED RAGE, and now neither of you really FEEL LIKE FLARPING anymore.

Your trolltag is and there is typically a pr0n0unced h0ll0wness t0 y0ur w0rds.


Your name is VRISKA SERKET.

Your blood colour is a matter of GRAVE CONCERN to you. You wear and type in GREY to mask it, because only fucking mutants have BRIGHT CANDY-RED BLOOD. If anyone finds out your secret, you KILL THEM without a second thought.

When you're not FRANTICALLY PLOTTING to hide your freakish nature, you enjoy GAMES OF CHANCE. You someday intend to join the ranks of the awe-inspiring GAMBLIGNANTS, because you have ALL THE LUCK, all of it. Except when you have none of it.

You used to enjoy FLARPING, but ever since some UNFORTUNATE CIRCUMSTANCES led you to BLIND A CLOSE FRIEND, it hasn't quite held the same appeal. Besides, you wouldn't be quite as good at it, now that you're BLIND IN ONE EYE. Your MECHANICAL ARM might give you an advantage, though.

Your trolltag is carcinogenicVise and your st8ments tend to 8e just a little 8it overdramaaaaaaaatic.


Your name is GAMZEE MAKARA.

You are a HIGH-LEVEL PSIONIC, possessed of the power of TELEKINESIS, which pretty much completely PRECLUDES A STRIFE DECK. Your VISION TWOFOLD allows you to see THE FUTURE when you sleep. Unfortunately, you don't believe in changing FATE or whatever, so you just think of your PROPHETIC DREAMS as a friendly heads-up.

Your lusus is A RAGING IDIOT, so you tend to be the custodian in that relationship. You feed him MIND HONEY, in order to prevent him from being SO INSUFFERABLY STUPID as to harm himself somehow. You're always very careful not to eat any yourself, though. THAT SHIT'S DANGEROUS.

Despite your low status on the hemospectrum, you are BEST FUCKING FRIENDS with the heir apparent. You don't flaunt it, though. You just LEAN ON HIM FOR FAVOURS sometimes. You're hoping he won't CULL YOU eventually.

Your trolltag is twinArmageddons and you speak in a manner that is JuSt A lItTlE bIt WhImSiCaL.


Equius as Taurus. He thinks very little of himself, and spends most of his time looking longingly up the hemospectrum. He's happiest when following orders and fulfilling the wishes of those of higher blood. Despite being a rustblood, he's very well-spoken, and behaves as though he belongs in a higher caste, with exception to his deference.

Nepeta as Aries. She thinks fairly little of herself as well, but she sure as hell isn't hung up over it. Nepeta is all about having her fun, and fuck what any of those stuffy highbloods think. She's got her friend, Equius, and he likes her. So what if he's a little bossy?

Terezi and Tavros were former FLARP partners, as were Vriska and Aradia. An accident one day nearly resulted in Terezi seeing Vriska's blood colour. Vriska blinded her before it could happen. This enraged Tavros, who ripped Vriska's arm off and blinded her in one eye. Aradia tried to intervene, and Tavros killed her.

meta, homestuck

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