(no subject)

Jun 14, 2004 12:15

Haha I am so into high school drama, like, more than most people, but i do take a different approach, because i don't take anything seriously, plus I don't care about too many people's feelings. So I think I have this problem where I overanalyze the stupidest things and come up with elaborate plans to fuck with people's minds. It's so hard to try to find the righ emotion to display for other people's benefit. Of course, the only reason I display a "false" emotion is to benefit myself and my plans to mess with them. So I am thinking about my new problem and how I am going to fuck it up more, and I think acting really upset would be beneficial. Then trying to reconcile, maybe an apology, and then anger, and then cry again. Seriously, I live for this shit. Is that wrong? I think maybe, but since morals are for brainwashed crazies then nothing is wrong at all. So maybe I could do that thing with vaseline under my eyes and runny mascara so it looks as though I've been crying. Maybe pop a few zoloft. This is going to take a lot, i say A Lot of planning. Mayeb some clothes will have to come off. Does anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? Olivia should, Ivy should just call me. I'm glad I'm made of impermeable emotional shielder, at least at this point, because, as I said, I shouldn't take high school b.s. seriously. But i should play into it and use it to my benefit, even if the only benefit is my entertainment. I still think I won. Don't you guys? I won so good. Sooooooooooo good. This impermeable shield means I always win! I love everything. I couldn't be any happier. Ok, that's alittle bit wrong, morally, I mean, but whatever. I won because I am happy. I am such a psychopath, don't you guys love me for it? Ok gotta go. Ttyl, guiris, yeah I'm espanola.
Love you,
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