Jun 30, 2010 14:20
I was going to... make you a video... but.. A) I suck at technology... and "attempting" to make it.. was getting me really frustrated. That will always be our difference... YOU ARE good at that stuff.... I HOWEVER.... SUCK AT IT! SO like my going away letter to you.... It will be posted on one of my "internet blogs" I wish.. that I didn't have to write you this.... And instead... I could JUST BE there... or surprise you.... but unfortunately.... I can't do that.. :(. If i were SOME CRAZY RICH person.. I would do it in a second... I would come out to TORONTO to be there..even if I meant it was only there for a day! I suppose.. CONSIDERING its your birthday.... we should CELEBRATE the birth of WONDERFUL YOU! AND.. this note WILL CELEBRATE your birth....in the best way I know how too! TELLING you EXACTLY how happy I am you were born....because if you weren't... I would have one less... INCREDIBLE person in my life.. and considering that person would be you... WOW... my life would NOT nearly be the same. I'm going to start by... showing you THE SEVERAL live journal posts I've written about you, ... over the year.
You have seriously made..... my last couple of months.
Everyday... Im more excited about my future.
I think i've figured out more about my life in this last month...than I have in 19 years!
Oh and I've learned two things about my best friends.... they are cancers... and love Priscilla Ann."
"My best fucking friends.
Seriously....... I have always had friends... so I've never known what it is like.. not to have them...... but.. seriously.... AHHHHH you guys are my LIFE.
I would not be the crazy.. happy girl without you guys.
One thing I have learned... is friends.... are what keep you going... put that smile on your face.
I'm who I am today.... happy as hell.. because of them. <3 <3 <3"
Honestly.. Dannie.... I can't even TELLL you enough..how much of a difference you've made to my life over the last couple of years. You are my babaganoush.. I have NOO idea.. why I ever called you that.. BUT YOU ARE! YOU ARE MY BABAGANOUSH! The trips that we took.... SOOO RANDOMLY... the roadtrips... TO niagra! YOU TOOK ME TO THE FALLS...for the first time! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW AMAZING THAT IS! AND on my own birthday..... you got us that AMAZING suite... AND the care package... and TOOK CARE OF ME! you have no IDEA how much that meant to me! I've TOLD SOOO many people..... that story. This girl Nabeela from my work... had her Status as.... "What happened to REAL friends".... dannie... I don't care WHAT happens between us... I KNOW you are going to be one of the GREATEST friends I have. You taught me how to skate... you had patience with me... through all my CRAZINESS... you would DOOO anything... and EVERY crazy idea I had.. if it was within your limits you would do it! YOU KNOW HOW AMAZING THAT IS! And on top of that...like I said.. you have that motherly Quality that I LOVE! I don't know if I've ever told you... but when i'm crying... and my mom is there.... she comes up beside me and rubs my back. YOU DO the EXACT same thing... and its the most comforting thing in the world to me.
you are FUNNY, and GORGEOUS, and BITCHY, and LOVE LIFE! You can sing.... AMAZINGLY.... you can play the guitar... YOU CAN DRIVE..... you can BUILD SANDCASTLE'S... TAKE AMAZING PHOTOS....You willl RUN IN THE RAIN.....YOU YELL AT THE TV DURING HOCKEY GAMES..YOU LOVE MONSTER.. and being HYPER... You can change from being... SERIOUS... to being CRAZY HAPPY....you are AMAZING. I am sooo happpy... I have you in my life. I'm SOOOO happy you were born.
I honestly could goo on for LONGER..... you are more amazing... than you'll ever realize! I love you girl.
I hope your day is AMAZING! you HONESTLY deserve it! <3 <3 <3