Feb 13, 2010 01:03
change was always something i've dreaded....not anymore.
I embrace change. Fear of change... holds you back....from living....from doing what.. most others don't. Everyday... a million thoughts run through our head.....and a few....keep coming up... time after time.
Those thoughts are our passions....
Up until recently....i've let my fear... get in the way of my passions...my curiosities.
Up until recently.... I thought.... the most important goal in life.... is finding love. Or... how i would think of it....happiness.
As cliche... as this may sound....you can only love... truly love.. once you love yourself. Rather than wasting my time.. trying to find that "guy" who I love.... i'm going to find out what I love... fufill my curiosities. Find out... who I am... soo that one day.... instead of getting caught up.. in someones else idea... of whom i should be.....I KNOW who I am.....and will not settle for anyone.... who doesn't love me for exactly that.
I'm gonna be pooor.....have no friends.....a new bed.... no mother... to comfort me when i'm sick. I'm shit scared. But theres one thing I know... I want to do this....so i'm going to make it work. Whatever it takes... I HAVE to make it work. Because backing out because of fear.... will be one of my biggest regrets.