Yesterday was such a flipping sweet day! Noey slept over,
and we slept in real late and then went to the gym. Which was fun
because not only did we figure out what all the strange weight machine
thingies do, but we saw Mike H. and blew him a kiss, buahahaha.
Then we went to Newark Nite, which is this community day thing in my
town basically where you just walk around and look at all the random
booths. You get lots of flyers. I walked around with
Meghan's posse for a bit and then I kept my mummy company because she
had a booth set up for her jewelry business. I decided to walk up
to the record store (Newark Nite is on Main Street, they close off the
street so cars can't drive on it) and then when I got back from the
record store (I found out that the cool record store guy's name is
Robert, yay! He's awesome) apparently Mum sold about 3 things as
soon as I left... I guess the strange mod girl (me) didn't help sales,
Newark Nite was ending so Noey and I went to the sub place to
get some dinner, but it was closed, so we tripped over a stick and flew
over Jammin' Java, went right through the door to the East End Cafe,
and then landed on our feet right in front of the bouncer. (I
swear that's exactly what happened!) I just wanted to see if
there were any shows net week or something but the bouncer (who
recognized us from the last show we were at) told us that a show was
just about to start! So we ran back to the booth to check with my
parents and then the next thing we know we're getting the giant M's
(for minor, but if you turn your right hand upside down it becomes
Wicked Minor) written on our hands, and being told not to even touch
any beer or he'll have to throw us out. This is when we become
Mya and Alice Divine. And the band that was playing was really
good. As it turns out, they did a few of their own songs, and
then they played a ton of songs from Pink Floyd's The Wall! It
was most wiggy. This guy named Don sat at our table, and of
course he's a huge Pink Floyd fan, his favourite songs by them are
Comfortably Numb and Time, which happen to be in my top three (second
only to Wish You Were Here) so I guess you could say we really hit it
off, in a friendly way. He was amazed that I knew about Syd
Barrett, and I was amazed that he knew about Syd Barrett, so we talked
about him. And then when the band did Comfortably Numb after they
were finished he said, "That song always blows my mind!" just as I was
about to say the same thing. So as you can see, it was a day to
end all days. Next time Noey and I are going to go with Jordyn so
we can stay later because she has a car. And now...
1. Name (first, middle,
middle middle, last, maiden, etc.): Julia Rose Wallace (unless you are
an internet stalker, and in that case, my name is Gym Nasium.
2. Nicknames : Jules, Miss Jules, Julia September, Alice Divine,
Groovee Nipple, Meg, and also, Beth, Bethani, Julia Gonzalez, Hoolia,
Julie, but if you call me any of those things I'll have to kill you.
3. Approximately 9 months after your parents had sex without birth control (aka “birthday”): September 19th, 1991
4. Religious orientation: Agnostic I suppose, except at camp, then I'm Methodist.
5. Place of habitation: Newark, DE
You Hopeless Romantics You.
Your life partner of choice: Makes me laugh, plays guitar like no other
2. What defines “love” to you, in respect to friends and family: No idea
3. What defines “love” to you, in respect to a mate (life partner, bed buddy, whatever): See above
4. The most romantic idea you’ve ever heard: Writing a song about someone
5. Shaking your hips in suggestive ways: ;-)
When I Was Your Age…
1. What you wanted to do/be when you “grew up”: Teacher for a while,
then I wanted to be a cat lady, then a housewife, and now I'm going to
work in a flower shop in London and be a muse to the local bands that
are about to hit the big time
2. Place of forced education (public school): Well I don't go to public school but I do go to TNS
3. Choice of higher education/current profession in the capitalist world: ?¿?¿
4. What you would rather do if you had a million dollars (not unlike the
Bare Naked Ladies): Go lots of exciting places and have tons of
adventures (not that I won't do that someday anyway, it just won't be
as ritzy I suppose)
5. Three things you must do before you die: Eat kangaroo meat, go to
England, exist (I have about 4848234 things I want to do just before
I'm 30 but I don't want to put them here)
The Possessions of a Materialistic Pig
1. Horseless carriage: I wish, that would be awesome!
2. Favorite electronic appliances: Jimmy, Princess Consulela, and Olisa Claudette Giner-Hawthorne (that's my computer)
3. Economic status: Really porr, because I spend all my money on things
like fish, fake eyelashes, and ground fees at local concerts
4. Depth of your wardrobe: A lot of skirts, a LOT of heels, and you know, shirts, undies, bras, socks, ect ect
5. Height of your cd collection: 5 inches.
6. Width of your movie collection: About as wide as a little person laying down
7. Spiritually important possession: Jimmy
8. Inherited heirloom: Some antique silverware from my Great Grandmother
Vices and Deadly Sins
1. Sexual orientation (on a scale of 1-10, 1 being “completely straight” 10 being “completely gay”): 1
2. Sex before marriage: Okay! Not anytime soon, though.
3. Number of sexual partners to this date: 0
4. Alcoholic drink of choice: Kahlua is good, plus Vodka Diet Pepsi, which sounds weird but it's good.
5. Chances of you getting drunk off your ass at a party (even if you weren’t invited): Slim to none
6. Number of brain cells you’ve burnt through drug use: Do cigarettes burn brain cells?
7. Likelyhood of dying of lung cancer: Moderate
8. What food you would gorge yourself on: CHOCOLATE!
9. Trait you see in others that makes you sick: Arrogance.
10. Something that is absolutely unforgivable: Rape.
If Only You Were That Talented.
Favorite moving picture: The Song Remains the Same, Pee-Wee's Big
Adventure, Bring It On, Alice in Wonderland, and of course 101
2. Stars that get your jibblies moving: What are jibblies? Lol. I don't think I have jibblies.
3. Music that is pleasing to your ears: Rock and roll. Plain and simple.
4. Musicians that make you go “ooo”: *takes a deep breath* Jimmy Page,
Keith Moon, Robert Plant, Syd Barrett, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards,
Brian Jones, Jim Morrison, ect ect
You Just Can’t Let It Go, Can You?
1. Thing you’ve done that you’ll never forgive yourself for: I don't know.
2. Least favorable memory: When I slapped Big John, or when I was groped by Danielle's brother
3. Most favorable memory: Yesterday!
4. Bad habits that make people wanna smack you: When I say the wrong things at the wrong timel
5. If you had a warning label slapped on your chest, it would say:
"WARNING: Will impale you in places you do NOT want to be impaled!"
Referring to my shoes of course. Thanks Noey. :-)