Still mad at my ex, he was even more an ass after yesterday's entry.
I couldn't make the Jewish cookies because I didn't have baking powder. Our soda. whichever you need to make them fluffy. So I made shortbread. And I made homemade chocolate to do them in. I had from 4 until 530 to do all of that, and clean up before they left. This is sons project. It's due Monday. They are gone for the weekend. And he didn't tell me until the last second. So here I am up to my elbows in cookie dough and my phone alerts me I have an email. from my ex. He wants to know if he can pick the kids up in 1 hour. Apparently, he switched his flight (that day) and is making it here early. Well, I can't. So I wrote back no. He replied, great. at this point, I'm furious. I have switched what weekend he got the kids, I have switched times for pick up and drop off, I have let him skip weekends to make them up later, I have given him extra days, extra dinners, I don't even have a holiday schedule through the Court because I'd never keep my kids from their dad without good reason. Not because I think he's amazing but because I love my kids that much.
Thought about writing him an email. But decided that I'd rather say shit to his face. (ya, I'm that kind of girl) I needed to run the papers out to him regarding oldest sons braces cost. I was hoping he could cover the cost of his, we would cover the cost of second (with income tax money next year) and split the cost of daughters. But wanted him to have the packet with explanation of cost. I explained what I would like, told him the appointment is thursday, to look it over and talk about it with his wife. to which he said rudely, "I thought YOUR husband had insurance on MY children?"
"yes, he does. But it doesn't cover 100%, everything is in there: What my husband covets and what yours covers." which is nothing, btw.
Then I said, "I want you to understand that I didn't tell you that you couldn't come early just to say no. son has a presentation in home ec that is due Monday. They are leaving for the weekend to be with you. I don't have time to bake them when they get back, and can't make them to far in advance. It's unrealistic of you to switch your flight at the last minute, then expect me to drop what in doing to accommodate you."
he says, "well, I have to be flying a lot the next 6 weeks for my job. You're going y have to deal with that. It makes no sense for me to have to drive around for an hour, wading my time, just to wait to get the kids."
I said, "I need you to understand that your time isn't anymore valuable than my time."
that moment your words look like they smack someone in the face? priceless. He didn't have anything to say after that.
Then he sends oldest son in to tell second soon to change into a specific pair of shoes that are 1.5 sizes too small. second son is almost in tears because I teach obedience abs he doesn't want to wear shoes. I told him to stop crying (those are the times I say stop, but I'm instructing him how to handle the situation) and go tell his dad they don't fit.
He comes back in, still visibly upset, and says that his dad says of he wants to look like crap going to the party then he doesn't care. Now my son is feeling insecure. I tell him they are a couple scratches on his shoes, no one cares. He looks great. Go have fun. Love you.
What. a. dick.
I'd write him but it's pointless. It stresses me out.
So. . We now have a dog. We were looking into getting one. wanted one for protection since we live in a shady neighborhood. And it would be nice to run with one. so we were going to check into shelters this weekend to see. add I was talking to a friend she said her cousin had a puppy left. It's part lab and part mutt. If he doesn't find a home it will be shot. Free. So I called him and the mutt part was a bird dog. So both dogs are active which is good for running. And it's at least a medium sized dog, good for protection. We just have to get her shots and spade her.
older kids don't know. They were gone and we didn't think we would actuary get one this weekend. We are going to put a bel on her for when they come home. She's so sweet. But u think she's abused.
Haven't read the book today.
Haven't eaten. husband is yelling at me. I'm not hungry. I want to drink my coffee
I also want to run. But we are supposed to get a lot of snow. Looks like a treadmill day.
husband brought home burger king. Which we haven't had in YEARS. I ate a whopper with only one side of the bun. Can't do both. And a medium fry. panicked but distracted myself with phone calls and dog stuff. I feel gross today but whatever. I'll feel better after a run.
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