Random: An Attempt at Introduction

Apr 03, 2005 20:12

If some of ya'll reading this are like me, I think there's a handful more who are reading but not putting this lj on your reading list, which is completely cool with me.

*waves to all the people*

Firstly : I watch tv via Skiffy in the USA. This lj is a Battlestar Galactica spoiler-free zone. IF YOU SPOIL ME FOR SEASON TWO I SWEAR I WILL JUMP THROUGH THE MODEM AND BEAT YOU INTO A BLOODY PULP WITH YOUR KEYBOARD. Vague disclaimers serve no one. If you think it might be a spoiler, THEN IT IS.

Secondly : I'm going to assume most of the new people are here because of Battlestar Galactica. Lucky for you guys, I am still madly insanely in love with this show, about five eps behind in my ep analysis, *and* working on a couple longer pieces that try to tie together large chunks of the show. So there *will* be lots more BSG discussion in this space.

Unlucky for you guys, I make no promises on quality of said discussion, I type (and think) slow as hell and my plate is *very* full right now, so it might take me until July to get all my thoughts posted. I'm going to post as I get them done.

If you're looking for BSG fic, I have not yet been bit by the ficcing bug. Which is good for *me*, because I still have TXF WIPs on my harddrive, and every time I pick up a new fandom, it takes me that much longer to actually get anything *done*.

I do intend to do some fic recs. I will index BSG fic recs to my BSG fic rec memories when I make them. Meta and my ep analysises are here.

A word of warning about those ep discussions: BSG is - by both design and execution - reflective of the modern USA and the world situation. My discussion is going to take that into account. My personal politics can be described (overly simplified but somewhat accurately) as right-wing and pro-military. If reading those sorts of opinions are going to piss you off, please, go read someone else's lj. 13th_colony is a great community. Fan stuff should be fun stuff, and fans should do the sort of things they find fun, not the stuff that makes their teeth hurt.

That being said, I have people of all stripes both on my reading list and that comment here without being on my list. The only person who gets to start slap fights in my lj is me. Feel free to tell me you think I'm full of shit and obviously in need of a brain transplant. To fellow commentors, though, keep your remarks limited to the argument and not the person making the argument. The corollary remark is also true - if someone pokes holes in your theory through the superior power of Logic and Reason, they're not saying: you're an idiot and that your breath stinks. Not all of us are grown ups but we can play one on lj. Thank you.

One more thing - I have people on my flist who are Down Under or who have not yet caught up with the Fleet. Please keep comments on episode analysis limited to the ep in question or proceeding eps, so that if people are playing catch up they don't get spoiled.

(If lurkers/new people/not-so-new people want to drop a note of introduction, feel free. If not, no sweat.)

Finally - there is a year-round, guilt-free de-friending-amnesty-day here. I'm at my limit for people on my reading list, so I likely *won't* add you back. (Except for the couple I will, eventually.) But I'm obsessive about reading other people's reading lists, so it's likely I *will* drop by and read your lj and maybe comment.

Again, welcome!

meta:fandom, statements, journal

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