Sep 13, 2010 15:01
Okay, so Moonshine has many favorite activities. Eating. Harassing his sister. And most of all being a lap-hog and insisting on spending every available moment on his favorite human (ie, me) either sleeping, cuddling, or licking said human's face. The trouble is with the sleeping part, because he has this amazing ability to turn into Freaky Possessed Demon Cat when he's asleep and that's just not something I tend to want in my lap.
1) He growls sometimes. This, for Moonshine, is actually extremely rare. Moonrise growls (at him, not us) like ALL THE TIME, but I've only heard him do it maybe twice when he's awake, in five years. Growling coming from a completely sacked-out cat is just a little disturbing.
2) He eats in his sleep. Like full-on lip-smacking and everything. Also slightly disturbing. (I have no idea how he manages to avoid damaging himself with those big fangs he's got.)
3) He twitches so violently that more than one person has thought he was actually having some kind of seizure. ("OMG is your cat okay?" *Moonshine instantly snaps awake and looks up like "Huh? What?"*) Last night I even got kicked by a flailing hind leg.
4) When he's really sacked out and lying on his back (which he tends to do a lot), not only does his mouth hang open so he tends to drool and/or have his tongue sort of hanging out as much as a cat's can, but his eyes fall half-open. With the membrane mostly covering them, so you can see rather a lot of blank white eye. Frankly, this is the creepiest of all. :P
5) Every once in a while, he'll apparently actually stop breathing for a rather startling amount of time before he takes a deep breath and starts up again. No idea why. Combine this with the half-open eyes, and well.
So today he decided to combine several of these, so he starts twitching and growling and I look down and his eyes are all white and his mouth is hanging open. Thanks, Moonshine, could you be just a little less freaky now? (I woke him up and evicted him from my lap, which as usual resulted in many squeaky protests. He was back within about three minutes, but at least this time he's got his head tucked into my arm so there won't be the freaky eye thing going on.)
Also, been watching some more Shinkenger-related stuff because I've been feeling really annoyingly crappy. Shinkenger Returns was really weird, but actually rather amusing in several places. I think the single most hilariously awesome moment was Ryuunosuke doing the five-sword-attack thing (two in each hand, one in his mouth) which was totally ludicrous and yet somehow of course suited him perfectly, but I also actually really liked the spaceship sequence basically in its entirety (those stupid-looking ray guns were exactly what I needed for 003 and couldn't find, darn it...) even though Mako was a good candidate for Worst Hair Ever. (I suppose the idol sequence made up for it, though.) I felt like I really should recognize the Silver Sushi dude from somewhere, but I couldn't easily track it down at the time; I bet it's going to be totally obvious in retrospect and I'm going to feel like an idiot for not figuring it out. Oh, and the crossdressing-high-school sequence was also rather entertaining. The heart-shape effect in Kotoha's eyes was really amazingly well done, especially at first where it wasn't as obvious. (Okay, I apparently like weird things...) I was also amused that this time Takeru was the best at pulling off the drag look. I sort of wonder, since Ryuunosuke was much better in the series, if the costume and makeup designers deliberately do a better or worse job with the crossdressing depending on which character they want to look best at it in any given scene. (I'm not sure that explains Tetsu from Dekaranger vs. Hikaru from Magiranger though inasmuch as Tetsu's crossdressing is always godawful.)
Anyway... nothing of interest to see here. We are a hedge, please move along. /random babbling about nothing of importance