You can find the truth in late night television

May 25, 2009 22:15

Jesus loves an asshole
I know Kenneth Copeland told me so
He's got his own T.V show yeah he must know

I was reminded of this lyric when the Copelands were in town on the weekend. It's from a song called Hudson NY by Lo-Tel, the folks who also brought Teenager Of The Year ten years ago. Anyway I started craving for my Lo-Tel music but unfortunately it must've gotten wiped out on my old computer which made me very sad because I loved their stuff. If anyone happens to have Lo-Tel tracks, please pass them to me!!

The major downside of being single is the fact that people are always trying to matchmake me with every single guy. The teasing is becoming tiresome. I know it's just fun and games for them but it's making things awkward for certain friendships that are completely platonic. I have enough issues in my life to worry about stupid things like that.

My mum and I have been trying to swim once a week at the Aquatic Centre. I don't think I've been there since early high school, possibly even primary school. We have super old multi-visit passes and they're literally an investment because the entry fees have doubled since those days. I swam 18 laps last week! Freestyle is a killer though. I think I've found my ideal(/only) form of exercise.

music, childhood, quotes

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