and courtesy has gone the way of the dodo! At least on lakes it's true. If any of you have small children and take them fishing, or boating in general, please point out these unwritten rules to them and pound them home at an early age so they don't grow up to be the ingrates that I threatened to bludgeon with oars, anchors and their own amputated limbs...
1. Water skiing and fishing are not the same activity and therefore do not go near each other in the water.
2. Stay a healthy distance from the next fishing boat on the water. Not only could this prevent you from catching a hook in the face, it can prevent accidental drownings at the hands of those in the other boat.
3. There are regulations regarding lights on your boat at dusk/dark for a reason--read
the book, they're free on store counters everywhere!
Why? I caught no fish because of these morons and they should all be whipped with a #11 jointed, chartreuse Rapala!! First we have the men that are single because no one will ever love them as much as they do who not only creep right up to us to fish--and I mean right up to us, as in we had to reel in our lines to not get them caught in their trolling motor!--and then proceed to troll around us in a circle, no more than 12 feet away from our boat. Nice guys. But they weren't alone. By sundown it had become obvious that we found a hot-spot, or word had gotten around the campground that we were apparently the world's greatest fishermen or something, because we had no less than 8 boats within a hundred yards either side of us... on a big, empty lake. Idiots. Then we have the speed boat morons that keep zooming past this collection of fishing boats at about 45 miles an hour, complete with whooping and hollering, screaming kids, barking dogs, and skiers that fall right in that weed bed you were buzzing. When we finally give up, after seeing nothing more than a beautiful sunset and no damn fish--some hot-spot, huh?--and are traveling back to the opposite shore and our camp, we run into the captain of stupid and his crazy relatives. Yes, let's drag small children behind the boat on a tube, at 50 mph, in the dark, with no reflective gear on the kids or running lights on the boat. Good god on a stick! Do they pass out stupid at the state line for tourists or are these people actually like this all the time?
No fish. At least I got tan and knocked 4 books of the tbr for my troubles...