
Jan 20, 2020 01:11

Greetings, all! I have been informed that this is some sort of forum in which I might discuss certain things to you, the lovely, lovely, innocent onlookers. From what I have heard, there's some sort of lady that's 'playing me'.

Now, I will have you know that no one plays Captain Hammer, but I would just love to hear all of my fans' comments on my many, many interviews here in the City, and would like to know how I can better serve you, and how I can improve. Of course, I'm sure that none of you will be too harsh, but all the same, a superhero speaks for the people, and what the people want, they get.

So if you'd all kindly speak your opinions, and then maybe we'll go out and have some good times between us, huh?

And remember, honesty is best!

captain hammer, ooc?, just do the usual, concrit

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