Well, that's a little ominous-looking. I feel like Eeyore. Anyway, is there a postal service here? Or someone running a messenger service? I know everyone just communicates by Network and it's not like the city is that big, but in certain circumstances...yeah, anyway, let me know.
[ooc: He's trying to find a way to anonymously return
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Don't you have... minions, or something? Henchpersons?
Oh, yeah. I totally do. I just sort of forgot about him, he must be around here somewhere--Hope he didn't get stuck in the elevator.
So. New commenter, huh? Because I do not recognize you at all and have no idea who you are.
I hope you don't. I recognize you.
Oh, really? From the Network?
Yes, of course, my exploits were all over television. I was about to get into the Evil League of Evil and everything.
Why do you want to be in that?
Well, I'd have access to so much more resources that way. And everyone would have to take me seriously and the Henchman's Union would give me better rates and--
There's nothing here quite like that, anyway. And I think ARTEMIS is better because it's all about research and not quite as hard to get into. Not that I was having trouble getting into the ELE.
...Can I ask you a personal question?
Huh? Oh, I guess so.
You know what? I just remembered that I'm not supposed to talk to strangers... wearing ominous white lab coats... and goggles. I have ducks to check on.
[ooc: Her brain doesn't like this. She's going for a walk. In fact, she may try to walk a duck on a leash. And she might see Horrible-Billy getting roughed up by Hammer.]
I swear I'm not--I wouldn't--You go do that.
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