#35: Does it count as foreshadowing if something always goes wrong?

Aug 09, 2009 17:38


Well, that's a little ominous-looking.  I feel like Eeyore.  Anyway, is there a postal service here?  Or someone running a messenger service?  I know everyone just communicates by Network and it's not like the city is that big, but in certain circumstances...yeah, anyway, let me know.

[ooc: He's trying to find a way to anonymously return McCoy's hypospray and tricorder (he feels bad, stealing from a hospital, sick people might need that, and anyway he's finished playing with the tricorder).  He sees no reason to return the other things he stole, but Captain Hammer will be getting those back.  B/k I will stick a log up shortly, expect backdating.   Setsuna-mun, feel free to assume that the gun is returned by Monday, even if how hasn't been established yet.  (Same goes for others who were robbed, but they are on hiatus T_T.)  This is a good place for accusations, yelling at him, etc.]

heist plot, moody weather, grab bag, eeyore, snail mail, affected, curse

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