Jan 02, 2008 03:23
To quote Snow Patrol, "after it`s all over, we still have to clear up" which is almost exactly the way I`m feeling right now after the period of festive excess. Got back from a NYE house party in Manchester mid-afternoon today and just feel really shattered. I don`t want to look at a bottle of alcohol again for a short time - I think I really need a bit of a detox.
Made a tasty Thai red curry for my parents this evening, which is another thing I haven`t been doing recently - cooking. To say that it`s one of my favourite pastimes I have barely picked up a saucepan in the past few weeks, so it`s my New Year`s Resolution to teach myself some new dishes.
Looking forward to a relaxing evening with a good book - I finished "Birdsong" on the train back from Wales at the weekend and I feel I can now move on. Sometimes when I read a really profoundly affecting book, which "Birdsong" certainly is, I feel I need a short time to let it settle in my head before moving on to a different author`s world. I had started Norman Mailer`s "An American Dream" over Christmas, so I might delve back into that. It`s my first acquaintance with this particular literary giant and it`s perhaps odd that I should only acquire the book a couple of weeks prior to his death. I`ve only read a few pages but I`m already impressed by what I am already beginning to recognise as a distinct literary style.