(no subject)

Sep 11, 2006 21:19

In happy news, I'm an aunt again! My second niece Lexi Noelle (I'm totally guessing on the spelling here) was born somewhere around 1:00 this afternoon. She was 9 lbs. 4 ounces and 21 inches long. Natural birth. o.O

And in not-happy news, the vet didn't sew Macy back up. He said his paws looked good even though he ripped stitches out on both paws. He opted to let them heal on their own rather than sewing them again and risking infection. The doctor gave him an antibiotic injection, and I'm supposed to keep giving him his oral antibiotics like I have been. I have to keep an eye on his paws and bring him back in if they get infected or bleed, or if he starts limping. I checked them this evening and they already look better than they did yesterday, and he also knocked all the mail off the endtable today, so he seems to be feeling better. HOWEVER, he made it very clear that he does not like his shredded paper instead of cat litter by peeing on Emily's Green Day bookbag and also on the bathroom floor. So I checked with my sister to see if there was anything else we could use that wouldn't get stuck in his paws while they heal. She gave some recommendations, so I replaced the shredded paper with that and I'm hoping it's enough like his regular litter that he'll use the litter box again. For his sake he better, because I don't know if Emily would allow him to live if he peed on her Green Day bookbag again.

lexi, macy, aweshum, family

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