DC Day 2

Mar 28, 2007 18:44

So, I walked around some today... Went up to Dupont Circle which was supposed to be this amazing cultural local... I'm not convinced, but I was there fairly early in the day and I didn't go down any of the side streets. I'm still holding out hope.

Apparently I am living right in the middle of the business district of the Federal City. We're flanked by the National Geographic Society, the Embassies of Australia and the Philippines and the Human Rights Campaign. With lots of National Associations of This That and The Other Thing within a few blocks.

I do like that there is a statue of someone on just about every corner. Right out my door are Daniel Webster, antebellum statesmen (he looks a bit cranky); Winfield Scott, he played a small but important part in the war of 1812 and then went on to conquer Mexico; and Samuel Hahnemann, who's greatest claim to fame is that he invented homeopathic medicine, a dubious distinction to say the least. I've also seen David Farragut, who is damning the torpedoes by the Metro station and Martin Luther who stands behind General George Thomas, who I'd never heard of before.

After all my orientations I wen to World War II Memorial and the Mall. I'd seen most of the other things on the Mall before but that one wasn't built the last time I was out here. I'll be going back to the Mall a few times a week, probably after work, to check out all the Smithsonian museums.

Well, I think that does that. There is a building social in about an hour which should be fun. And I start work and class tomorrow, so I should have some more first impressions to share.

ucdc, living, traveling, school

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