The Spirits

Sep 24, 2006 00:14

It has been said that is is wise to follow the advice of the spirits and always be watchful for the signs and omens they send to you. It will inevitably catch up to you then, and it is up to you to be prepared from the sign that are sent to you. Reading the runes, casting of the bones, reading entrailes, and of course who could forget the ever so cryptic magic eight ball (sitting all high and mighty in it's black plastic with the single white circle with an emblazoned '8' sitting smugly for all to see). Thanks Anthropology of Religions.

Eh, i know not what i'm saying. Though i do suppose i'm just putting off going to sleep, which i recall always being told that i needed my sleep. Well i'll go to sleep and dream of being taken by the hand and run up to heaven and past Avalon... hehe

I wish i could have gotten out to Lansing friday...
I had better figure out where i'm living next year. THat would get rid of some stress...
I wish i had green latency...
I put away shower curtains friday at work...
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