roaring sharks? really?

Apr 25, 2008 16:50

i dont want to get into specifics, but i just watched jaws 4: the revenge. despite being a horrible move on most fronts (there is a cute scene involving michael brody and his daughter) i noticed one reeeealy annoy fact that seemed to jump out:

the body count was 2!

two people! the whole movie! thats not a sequel, thats like a bad traffic accident. michael caine did have this to saw about his role in the film:
"When Michael Caine was asked about this movie in an interview, he answered, "I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific."

I had a bearing crap out in my power supply fan. my repair went less than stellar. sad times. how i screwed that up, i'll never know. i blame crappy butt crimps i got at radio shack. so, how do i deal with this, you ask? why, buy buying 350 dollars in new PC parts!!! i'm excited. didn't really need to spend the money, but i'm working lots of OT next weekend. want the list? sure!
Intel allendale dual core 2.4ghz processor
Abit AB9 Pro mobo
MSi nvidia 8600 gt OC videocard
2gb of ddr2 PC800 RAM
thermaltake 500w truepower supply

its nothing to really rag about, but i haven't updated in 4 years. i'm expecting this to be super fast sompared to my paltry amd 2800 and 5900 vid card.

I beat Mass effect last night. amazing gaming experience. holy shit, that ending.... one of the first games i consider to truly give hollywood a run for its bloated money.

Jen's throwing a murder mystery party tonight. i play a shipping tycoon whose wife is murdered. I'm really looking forward to it cause it should be loads of fun, but i had this argument with jen earlier: how is this Different from LARPing? i contested that it wasn't. Many of us are even getting dressed up. jen's main argument centered around the fact that she wasn't in fact, a LARPer, so this simply could not be LARPing. plus, unlike say, Vampire, you were trying to figure out something, like who killed my wife? ya, cause that's totally not LARPing...
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