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May 17, 2009 20:16

Name: Sohma Momiji
Age: 15
Birthday: Is a Pisces
Height: 155.8 cm
Weight: 47.5 kg
Blood type: O
Eyes: Big and brown
Hair: Fluffy and blonde
Physical traits: Aside from being tiny and blonde? Not much. Is always smiling and dresses a little like a girl.
Okay/not okay to mention: The whole 'being a fictional character' thing is something I'd like to avoid. Also, if you can tell he's got the Rabbit in him, please let me know before your character brings it up so we can talk it over.
Abilities: Turns into a rabbit when hugged by the opposite sex. Can come up with and sing cute songs on the spot :D
Notes for the psychics: Is possessed by the spirit of the zodiac Rabbit. Has emo about his family :(
Kissing/Hugging/Non-violent touchings: No hugging if you're a girl. He will dodge it skillfully. He's touchy himself though and will get in your bubble and what not.
Maim/Murder/Death: Uhhhhh, could handle Akito level maimings, but talk to me first? And that's a "No" to death.
Cooking: ....why would you let Momiji near the stove?

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